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Date:      Wed, 30 Mar 2005 06:59:55 +0200
From:      Anthony Atkielski <>
Subject:   Re: Anthony's drive issues.Re: ssh password delay
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Martin McCann writes:

> So, you start by demanding your individual problem is resoloved by a
> list who has no responsibility to the upkeep of the software that has
> given you issue?

I haven't demanded anything, I've simply asked.

> You have repeated this time and time again. No-one is argueing with you.
> I think it is safe to assume no-one knows excactly what the message is
> about.

Then why is guessing about the rest an accept method of troubleshooting?

> Many people have tried to help by applying their high level of
> knowledge to the situation, which you have lambasted.

If they had a high level of knowledge, they would know what the messages

> There is reason to belive it.

No, there is not.  In order to have a reason to believe it, one would
have to know what the messages meant, and nobody knows that.  An
outpouring of messages does not necessarily indicate a hardware

> Consider if you will the impression you might give to a future
> employer who does a google search on your name.

I have.


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