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Date:      Sun, 21 Jul 2002 13:56:01 -0400
From:      Kenn Martin <>
To:        freebsd-isp@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: remote system upgrade
Message-ID:  <232832815.1027259761@[]>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <20020721030144.GA865@lonerx> <>

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--On Sunday, July 21, 2002 12:35 PM +0200 Nils Vogels 
<> wrote:

> Hi Ivan,,
> On Sun, Jul 21, 2002 at 07:01:44AM +0400, LonerX wrote:
>> All we know how much cvsup and following makes mean for a system. But
>> being able to cvsup the sources on my remote server and being able to
>> build the world I cannot find the way to 'make installworld' remotely.
>> If somebody has experience in that and can share it with me I'll be
>> really glad and grateful to know about it.
> I do it all the time, like this:

We do this quite often as well, with a few differences:

> 1) sync your sourcetree using cvsup:
>    # cd /usr/src
>    # make update

Our build machine's /etc/make.conf has the cvsup bits set and pointing
to /etc/cvsup.conf, but we do this step in the same make call as

> 2) Read /usr/src/UPDATING, do whatever is needed according to that file
> 3) Rebuild your kernel and world
>    # make buildkernel KERNCONF=MYCONF
>    # make buildworld

Our build script (below) does make buildworld first, and then a
buildkernel with multiple machine configs.  We always check the
end of the log for the error count (must be zero) before continuing.

The target machine(s) use NFS mounts to the build machine's
/usr/obj and /usr/src.  Then cd /usr/src

> 4) If all this went well, install the new kernel and world
>    # make installkernel KERNCONF=MYCONF

At this point, depending on the target machine's work load, we
stop as many daemons as possible (e.g. named, httpd, etc.).  This
is really a business decision on whether that functionality can be
down another couple minutes (in addition to the ultimate time
involved in the cycling of the  machine).

>    # make installworld
> 5) Merge configfiles, since installworld (luckily) doesnt do this
>    # mergemaster

To speed this up a bit, we have an /etc/mergemaster.rc with

which automatically installs any files that don't already exist
and then gives a diff of just the settings you use in /etc/rc.conf

> 6) # shutdown -r +5 'Now entering the new world ..'

Or, if you don't have anyone to notify and you need to save time:
# shutdown -r now

Our buildall script (build machine only) ... We invoke this from
a cron job every Saturday morning.  If there is an urgent security
fix needed, we can obviously run it any other time as well.  No
installs are ever done automatically and weeks may go by before
we actually use one of these builds.  Regardless, we always have
a recent build ready to go if we find a need for any existing or
new machine.



echo '--------------------------------------------------------------' > 
echo -n 'buildall started:  ' >> $LOGFILE
date >> $LOGFILE

# cleanup
echo '>>> Cleaning /usr/obj' >> $LOGFILE
rm -rf /usr/obj/usr
chflags -R noschg /usr/obj/usr
rm -rf /usr/obj/usr
echo -n '        complete:  '  >> $LOGFILE
date >> $LOGFILE

# build userland
cd /usr/src
/usr/bin/make update buildworld >> $LOGFILE
echo -n 'buildworld complete:  ' >> $LOGFILE
date >> $LOGFILE

# build all kernels
/usr/bin/make buildkernel KERNCONF="GENERIC KFW KMS KWS" >> $LOGFILE
echo -n 'buildkernel(s) complete:  ' >> $LOGFILE
date >> $LOGFILE

echo -n 'error count:  '  >> $LOGFILE
grep -c 'Error code' $LOGFILE >> $LOGFILE

Kenn Martin
InfoTeam Corp.
voice/fax (work): 877 819 0414
voice/fax (home): 877 594 3375

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