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Date:      Sun, 15 Feb 1998 23:46:18 +0200
From:      Ruslan Shevchenko <>
To:        Jeffrey Hsu <>
Cc:        freebsd-ports@FreeBSD.ORG, freebsd-hackers@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: ANNOUNCE: TenDRA C/C++ compiler (fwd)
Message-ID:  <>
References:  <>

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Jeffrey Hsu wrote:

> Anyone feel up to a new compiler port?

Just ported it to SCO Open Server (it's differs from SCO 3 for TenDRA).

And hacked libio from egcs-current to run with tcc. All patches, I guess,

(You can get it from:
Patches itself:

You must compile it by tcc with   -D__TCC__
Note, that make file is incomplete, becouse it is part of general configure of egcs,

In principle, porting is not very hard, but few aspects:
   1.  tcc is POSIX ISO compiler.
      it mean, that we must modify our includes (i.e. /usr/include/*)
      to be ISO compliant in case __TCC__, and correct handle some
     TenDRA specific stuff.
     or write specific includes for TCC ( which, in generally, very bad)
     So, if we want to create command for tcc porting, We must have something
     with commit privelegies.
   2.  It is not included standart C++ library.
     (Changed libio (streams stuff) we have, STL we can get form hp,  so all ok)
      One question: Anybody know, where exist libio library itself, without gcc ?

I want to join to the team,  but I have very limited free time.
And as saying, we must have commiters, in team, becouse FreeBSD includes
are not ISO C.

Thanks .

> ------- start of forwarded message -------
> Subject: ANNOUNCE: TenDRA C/C++ compiler
> From: Robert Andrews ?
> Newsgroups: comp.lang.c.moderated,comp.lang.c++.moderated,comp.std.c++,comp.compilers
> Date: Fri, 13 Feb 1998 16:10:10 GMT
> TenDRA 4.1.1 Release
>                         --------------------
> The Open Software Systems Group (OSSG) at the UK's Defence and
> Evaluation Research Agency (DERA) is making its ANDF-based TenDRA
> compiler available as a free, freely exploitable (i.e. not GPL),
> public domain, source code release.  (The precise terms are
> available on the Web site below.)
> The compiler implementation is based on a language-independent and
> processor-independent intermediate form, developed by DERA, but now
> standardised as the XANDF preliminary standard by The Open Group.
> The purpose of this release is to maximise the value from the public
> funds that paid for the development of this compiler.  DERA's mission
> permits us to take commercial contracts, and if we have the resources
> we will try and respond to requests for maintenance or development
> services - indeed we are currently providing such services for the
> XANDF code generators to a compiler company that plans to sell an
> Ada compiler product that also uses XANDF.  If any other company
> wishes in the future to provide services in support of the TenDRA
> technology we would be delighted to assist them in the setting up
> of such services. Anyone wishing to discuss commercial services
> should contact me at the address below.
> The release can be downloaded from the TenDRA Web site:
> or by FTP from, from the directory /pub/TenDRA.
> The release consists of two components, TenDRA-4.1.1.tar.gz (~3.9MB),
> containing the compiler source, and TenDRA-4.1.1-doc.tar.gz (~0.75MB),
> containing the HTML documentation (this documentation is also
> accessible directly from the Web site).  The list of supported
> platforms is given at the Web site, and includes most popular Unix
> platforms, including SPARC/Solaris and Intel/Linux.  Support for NT
> is planned, but is not currently available.
> The release software comprises:
>     - compiler front-ends for C and C++ (written to the latest draft
>       ISO standard);
>     - compiler back-ends for the supported platforms;
>     - tools for creating, displaying and manipulating the XANDF
>       binary format;
>     - descriptions for a number of common APIs used in the compiler's
>       API checking facilities;
>     - compiler generator tools, including a parser generator, used
>       in the development of the TenDRA compiler.
> The compiler features include:
>     - strict checking for conformance to the ISO C and draft ISO
>       C++ standards, including references to the standard in error
>       messages;
>     - API conformance checking using the TenDRA API descriptions;
>     - configurable extra static program checks;
>     - configurable support for C and C++ dialect features.
> The C++ front-end has been developed from the draft ISO C++ standard,
> and, with a couple of exceptions, supports the complete language.
> The current deficiencies are:
>     - the current implementation of exception handling imposes a
>       small run-time overhead even when not used (it can be
>       disabled however);
>     - the automatic inter-module instantiation of templates is not
>       yet working properly, and has been disabled;
>     - certain topics concerned with the timing of destructors are
>       not currently in line with the draft standard.
> In addition, this release only contains a minimal run-time support
> library giving support for language features such as ?new?,
> ?exception? and ?typeinfo?.  If support for the complete C++
> standard library is required then one of the available freeware
> implementations should be used.
> DERA have some funds for further development of the compiler until
> April 1998, and will be addressing these issues.  Any suggestions on
> priorising this work would be welcomed.
> Acknowledgments:
> The development of this compiler was paid for by both the UK's
> Ministry of Defence and the Commision of the European Communities
> in a project called DEPLOY within their Esprit Programme.  Numerous
> companies and individuals have contributed to the TenDRA project
> during its lifetime, in particular the Open Software Foundation
> (now The Open Group) whose original concept ANDF was.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Rob Andrews
> Principal Scientist
> Email:
> --
> comp.lang.c.moderated -
> ------- end of forwarded message -------
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