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Date:      Tue, 10 Jul 2001 11:53:56 +1000
From:      "Murray Taylor" <>
To:        <>
Cc:        <>
Subject:   Configuring picoBSD router on 4.3
Message-ID:  <01e801c108e3$2dcea3c0$>

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Can some one please put up a step by step
receipe for configuring the router in PicoBSD.

Here's where I'm at.

The as-is distribution compiles ok.
The deletions I have made to the kernel config file have compiled ok
( i just commented out the unused isa net cards and the I686 line )

The disk boots ok in the 100MHz Pentium-s system I'm using.
(This system was used very successfully as a Pico (4.2) bridge)

I now need to configure it as a router, and cannot get any
rc type files to be applied upon booting.

I have managed to get my files into an /etc directory on the
pico disk as .gz files by changing the line in the picobsd script to

but no further success.

All I want to get the disk to do on boot is

ifconfig de0 inet 203.x.y.z netmask 255...
ifconfig de1 inet 10.x.y.z netmask 255...
ipfw /etc/ipfw.rules
route add ....

Given the recent updates to picobsd may I respectfully suggest
(A) we are not all kernel hackers and cant follow all the boot time
    black magic.
(B) that some major effort be expended on the doco, especially for
    sysadmins and configuring systems.

Dont get me wrong -- pico is great! BUT I am a TCL/SQL programmer who
has to act as sysadmin and create a firewalled router _RIGHT NOW_
(thanks boss!)

I would hate to see such good work be wasted 'cos people cant use it easily.

BTW: I have read the pico FAQ on
and this has helped a bit, but I still need
and step by step process, as pico does not seem to be doing the
/etc file 'overwriting' mentioned in that doc.
OR if it is, then the boot process is not seeing my files.

Murray Taylor
Project Manager
Bytecraft Systems Pty Ltd
ph:   +61 3 9587 2555
Fax:  +61 3 9587 1614

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