Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 23:59:49 -0600 From: "Tan Peng Hock" <> To: "" <> Subject: Low Protein Latex Examination Gloves from GLOVCO Message-ID: <>
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This is a Multipart MIME message. ------=_NextPart_000_001__19160353_86389.83 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable TmF0dXJhbC1SdWJiZXIgTGF0ZXggRXhhbWluYXRpb24gR2xvdmVzOiANCkhvdyBDb3VsZCBZ b3UgTGl2ZSBXaXRob3V0IFRoZW0/DQogICAgICAgDQpQcm90ZWN0IHlvdXJzZWxmIGZyb20g QUlEUywgaGVwYXRpdGlzLCBhbmQgbGF0ZXggYWxsZXJneSBXaXRoIEdMT1ZDTzUwIG1nIHBy b3RlaW4sIA0KcG93ZGVyZWQgZ2xvdmVzDQoNCkZyZWUgU2FmZXIgTGF0ZXggR2xvdmVzLiAN CkdvIHRvIHRoaXMgVVJMOiANCiAgICAgICAgaHR0cDovL2dsb3Zjb3dlYi50cmlwb2QuY29t L0xldHRlcnMvZ2xvdmNvLTEuaHRtbA0KDQoNCkxvdy1Qcm90ZWluIExhdGV4IFN0b3BzIHRo ZSBBSURTIGFuZCBIZXBhdGl0aXMgVmlydXNlcyANCi4uLldoaWxlIEl0IFJlZHVjZXMgQWxs ZXJnaWMgUmVhY3Rpb25zLg0KDQpEZWFyIEdsb3ZlIFVzZXJzLA0KDQpZb3UgY2FuIHVzZSBs YXRleCBnbG92ZXMgYW55d2hlcmUgdG8gcHJvdGVjdCB5b3Vyc2VsZiBmcm9tIHRoZSBBaWRz LCBoZXBhdGl0aXMsIA0KYW5kIG90aGVyIGJvZHktZmx1aWQgYm9ybmUgdmlydXNlcy4gSW4g MTk5OCBhbG9uZSwNCmFib3V0IDMwIGJpbGxpb24gbGF0ZXggZXhhbSBnbG92ZXMgd2VyZSBz b2xkIGluIHRoZSBVLlMuDQoNClRoZSB3aWRlIHVzZSBvZiBsYXRleCBnbG92ZXMgaGFzIGxl ZCB0byBhbGxlcmdpYyByZWFjdGlvbnMuIFRoZSByZWFjdGlvbnMgY29tZSANCmZyb20gdGhl IHByb3RlaW5zIG9uIHRoZSBnbG92ZXMuDQoNCkNsaW5pY2FsIHN0dWRpZXMgaGF2ZSByZXZl YWxlZCB0aGF0IHRoZSBpbmNpZGVuY2Ugb2YgYWxsZXJnaWMgcmVhY3Rpb25zIGlzIG5lZ2xp Z2libGUgDQphdCBwcm90ZWluIGNvbnRlbnRzIG9mIDEwMCBtIGcvZyAobWljcm9nbS9nbSkg Z2xvdmUuIA0KDQpUaHJvdWdoIHJlc2VhcmNoIGFuZCBkZXZlbG9wbWVudCwgR0xPVkNPIGhh cyBkZXZlbG9wZWQgYSB1bmlxdWUgZGVwcm90ZWluaXNhdGlvbiANCnByb2Nlc3Mgd2hpY2gg cHJvZHVjZXMgYSB0ZWNobm9sb2dpY2FsbHkgYWR2YW5jZWQgcHJvZHVjdCB3aXRoIHJlZHVj ZWQgcHJvdGVpbiANCmFuZCBwb3dkZXIgY29udGVudHMuDQoNCkdMT1ZDTw0KNTAgbWNnIFBy b3RlaW4sIHBvd2RlcmVkIGdsb3ZlcyBhZmZvcmQNCg0KTGFiZWxpbmcgY2xhaW0gb2YgNTAg bWNnIG9yIGxlc3Mgb2YgdG90YWwgd2F0ZXIgZXh0cmFjdGFibGUgcHJvdGVpbiBwZXIgZ3Jh bSANCmdsb3ZlICg1MTBLIHJlZ2lzdHJhdGlvbiBudW1iZXIgYXZhaWxhYmxlIG9uIHJlcXVl c3QpLiANCiAgICAgDQpQb3dkZXIgY29udGVudCBvZiBsZXNzIHRoYW4gNTAgbWNnL2dsb3Zl LiANCiAgICAgDQpMb3dlciBBbGxlcmdlbmljaXR5IChUZXN0IHJlc3VsdHMgYXZhaWxhYmxl IG9uIHJlcXVlc3QpIA0KICAgICAgDQpDb3N0IGVmZmVjdGl2ZSBhbHRlcm5hdGl2ZSB0byBw b3dkZXIgZnJlZSBnbG92ZXMuDQoNCg0KUmVxdWVzdCBTYW1wbGUgR2xvdmVzIGFuZCBQcmlj ZXMNCkdvIHRvIHRoaXMgVVJMOg0KICAgICAgICAgIGh0dHA6Ly9nbG92Y293ZWIudHJpcG9k LmNvbS9MZXR0ZXJzL2dsb3Zjby0xLmh0bWwNCiAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg ICAgICAgDQoNCg0KQ29udGFjdCBQZXJzb246IEFuZ2llIE5nDQpHbG92Y28gU0ROIEJIRCAo MzkzODEwIEgpDQpMb3QgNzYwLCBKYWxhbiBIYWppIFNpcmF0LCBPZmYgSmFsYW4gTWVydSwN CjQyMTAwIEtsYW5nLCBTZWxhbmdvciBEYXJ1bCBFaHNhbiwgTWFsYXlzaWENClBob25lOiA2 MDMtMzkxMzg4OCAoT2ZmaWNlKQ0KRkFYOiA2MDMtMzkxNjA3MA0KRS1tYWlsOiBnbG92Y29A Q2l0eTJDaXR5LmNvbQ0KDQoNCkNvbnRhY3QgUGVyc29uOiBNaWNoZWxsZSBaaHUgb3IgRW1t YSBEaWUNClllbiBFbnRlcnByaXNlLCBJbmMuDQo1MDEgUy4gU2FudGEgRmUNClNhbnRhIEFu YSwgQ0EgOTI3MDUNClBob25lOiA3MTQtMjg1LTI4OTENCkZheDogNzE0LTI4NS0yODg5DQpF LW1haWw6IGdsb3Zjb0BDaXR5MkNpdHkuY29tDQogIA0KDQoNCg0KR0xPVkNPIChNKSBTRE4g QkhEDQpMb3QgNzYwLCBKYWxhbiBIYWppIFNpcmF0LCBPZmYgSmFsYW4gTWVydSwNCjQyMTAw IEtsYW5nLCBTZWxhbmdvciBEYXJ1bCBFaHNhbiwNCk1hbGF5c2lhDQpQaG9uZTogNjAzLTM5 MTM4ODgNCkZBWDogNjAzLTM5MTYwNzANCkUtbWFpbDogZ2xvdmNvQENpdHkyQ2l0eS5jb20N Cg0KVGFuIFBlbmcgSG9jayANCk9wZXJhdGlvbnMgTWFuYWdlcg0KDQoNCg0K ------=_NextPart_000_001__19160353_86389.83 Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=3Diso-88= 59-1"> <meta name=3D"Author" content=3D"guest"> <meta name=3D"GENERATOR" content=3D"Mozilla/4.51 [en] (Win95; U) [Netsca= pe]"> <title>glovco</title> </head> <body> <HTML> <br> <HEAD> <br> <!-- The block of META tags is required by Homepage Studio --> <br> <!-- to identify this file as created by Freeform Edito= r. --> <br> <!-- Please do not remove them, but feel free to append= --> <br> <!-- them with your personal data below. Meta tags help --> <br> <!-- search engines identify the content of your page.&= nbsp; --> <br> <META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html;= charset=3Diso-8859-1"> <br> <META NAME=3D"keywords" CONTENT=3D"Glovco, Yen Internat= ional Inc., e-mail, <br> natural latex rubber examination gloves, medical devices, AIDS, hepatitis, <br> low protein, free glove offer, Malaysia"> <br> <META NAME=3D"description" CONTENT=3D"An html e-mail me= ssage explaining the <br> benefits of low-protein natural latex rubber examination gloves from Glovco. <br> Reduce the incidence of latex allergy. Avoid AIDS and hapatitis. Free gloves."> <br> <META NAME=3D"author" CONTENT=3D"Gregg Reed, Interscien= ce Productions,"> <br> <META NAME=3D"generator" CONTENT=3D"FreeFormEditor 1.0"= > <br> <META NAME=3D"non-html servers" CONTENT=3D" <p> Message for non-html e-mail: <p> = Natural-Rubber Latex Examination Gloves: <br>  = ; How Could You Live Without Them? <br> <br> Protect yourself from AIDS, hepatitis, and latex allergy With <br>  = ; GLOVCO50 mg protein, powdered gloves <p> = Free Safer Latex Gloves. <br>  = ; &n= bsp; Go to this URL: <br> Letters/glovco-1.html <br> <p> Low-Protein Latex Stops the AIDS and Hepatitis Viruses <br>  = ; ..While It Reduces Allergic Reactions. <p>Dear Glove Users, <p>You can use latex gloves anywhere to protect yourself from the <br>Aids, hepatitis, and other body-fluid borne viruses. In 1998 alone, <br>about 30 billion latex exam gloves were sold in the U.S. <p>The wide use of latex gloves has led to allergic reactions. The <br>reactions come from the proteins on the gloves. <p>Clinical studies have revealed that the incidence of allergic <br>reactions is negligible at protein contents of 100 m g/g <br>(microgm/gm) glove. <p>Through research and development, GLOVCO has developed a <br>unique deproteinisation process which produces a technologically <br>advanced product with reduced protein and powder contents. <p>GLOVCO <br>50 mcg Protein, powdered gloves afford <p> Labeling claim of 50 mcg or less of total water= extractable <br> protein per gram glove (510K registration number available <br> on request). <br> Powder content of less than 50 mcg/glove. <br> Lower Allergenicity (Test results available on request) <br> Cost effective alternative to powder free gloves. <p> = Request Sample Gloves and Prices <br>  = ; &n= bsp; Go to this URL: <br> http://glovcoweb= <br> <br> <p>Contact Person: Angie Ng <br>Glovco SDN BHD (393810 H) <br>Lot 760, Jalan Haji Sirat, Off Jalan Meru, <br>42100 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia <br>Phone: 603-3913888 (Office) <br>FAX: 603-3916070 <br> <p>Contact Person: Michelle Zhu or Emma Die <br>Yen Enterprise, Inc. <br>501 S. Santa Fe <br>Santa Ana, CA 92705 <br>Phone: 714-285-2891 <br>Fax: 714-285-2889 <br> <p>HTML CODE for HTML E-Mail Servers:"> <p><BASE href=3D" > <br><LINK REL=3Dtop href=3D" /index.html"> <br><LINK REL=3Dnext href=3D" Copy2-2.html"> <br><LINK TITLE=3Dhelp href=3D" o-1.html> <br><TITLE>Natural-Rubber Latex Examination Gloves: How could you live without them?</TITLE> <br></HEAD> <br><BODY TEXT=3D"#ff0000" LINK=3D"#0000ff" VLINK=3D"#800080" BGCOLOR=3D= "#ffffff"> <br><center> <br><center> <br><p> <br><table border=3D0 cellspacing=3D0 cellpadding=3D"*" width=3D350><= tr><td> <br><center><IMG SRC=3D"" <br>ALT=3D"Glovco Logo" width=3D350></center> <br><h3 align=3D"center"><b><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond"><P>Natural-= Rubber Latex Examination <br>Gloves:<br> <br><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond"><i>How Could You Live Without Them?</i= ></b></h3> <br><Center><A HREF=3D <br>"" <br>target=3D"_parent"> <br><h3>Free Safer Latex Gloves <br><blink>Click Here</blink>&l= t;/h3></a> <br></Center> <br><h2 align=3D"center"><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond">Protect yourself fro= m<br>AIDS, hepatitis, <br>and latex allergy<br>With </FONT><B><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond"= >GLOVCO </B></FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond"> <br></FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond">50 </FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Symb= ol" Size=3D+3>m</FONT> <br><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond">g </FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond">prote= in, powdered gloves <br></h2><center> <br><IMG SRC=3D"" Width=3D= 350></center> <br><h3 ALIGN=3D"center"><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond"><b>A Safer Latex Barrier Against <br><br>the AIDS and Hepatitis Viruses <br><br>...Reduces Allergic Reactions</b></FONT></h3><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond" <br> Size=3D4></CENTER> <p><P>Dear Glove Users,</p> <br><p>You can use latex gloves anywhere to protect yourself from the AIDS, <br>hepatitis, and other body-fluid borne viruses. In 1998 alone, about 30 billion <br>latex exam gloves were sold in the United States.</P> <br><P>The wide use of latex gloves has led to allergic reactions. The reactions <br>come from the proteins on the gloves.</P> <br><P>Clinical studies have revealed that the incidence of </FONT>&l= t;B><U><FONT <br>FACE=3D"Garamond" SIZE=3D4>allergic reactions </B></U></FONT>&= lt;FONT FACE=3D"Garamond" <br>SIZE=3D4>is </FONT><U><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond" SIZE=3D4>negligi= ble </U></FONT><FONT <br>FACE=3D"Garamond" SIZE=3D4>at protein contents of 100 </FONT><FON= T FACE=3D"Symbol" <br>SIZE=3D+2>m</FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond" Size=3D4>g/g (microgm/g= m) glove. </P> <br><P>Through research and development, GLOVCO has developed a unique <br>deproteinisation process which produces a technologically advanced product with reduced protein and powder contents.</P> <br></FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond" SIZE=3D4><P>GLOVCO<br></F= ONT><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond"> <br></FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond" SIZE=3D4>50 </FONT><FONT FAC= E=3D"Symbol" SIZE=3D+2>m</ <br>FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Garamond" SIZE=3D4>g </FONT><FONT FACE=3D"G= aramond" Size=3D4>Protein <br>powdered gloves afford:</P> <br> <p><UL> <br><LI>a label claim of 50 </FONT><FONT FACE=3D"Symbol" Size=3D+2= >m</FONT><FONT <br>FACE=3D"Garamond" SIZE=3D4>g or less of total water extractable protein= per gram <br>glove (510K registration number available on request). </LI> <br><LI>Powder content of less than 50 mg/glove. </LI> <br><LI>Lower Allergenicity (Test results available on request) </LI>= <br><LI>Cost effective alternative to other gloves.</font></LI><= ;/UL><br> <br><IMG SRC=3D"" ALT=3DL= atex-Allergy Reaction Graph><br><br> <br><p><FONT <br>FACE=3D"Garamond" SIZE=3D3> <br>The high red curve shows the percentage of gloved workers that react to latex as the <br>glove-protein-level decreases. The low skin-toned line is the range of protein levels that an independent <br>medical laboratory found in GLOVCO low-protein gloves.</p> <p><p>The maximum protein level in GLOVCO's low-protein gloves was less than 50 <br>millionths gram/gram of glove. The mean protein level was near <br>30 millionths gram/gram of glove. And the lowest protein level was less than 20 <br>millionths gram/gram of glove. The level of protein in a low-protein glove is <br>so low that it is nearly undetectable using advanced tests. <p></FONT><p><br> <br><A HREF=3D"" target=3D"_parent"><center></font></font><font face=3Dhelvetica= ><h3>Request Sample Gloves and Prices<br><blink>Click <br>Here</blink></h3></center></font></a><br> <br></tr> <br></td> <br></table> <br><table border=3D0 cellspacing=3D0 cellpadding=3D"*" width=3D350><= tr><td> <br><tr> <br><td> <br><Address><Font Face=3D"Garamond" Size=3D3>Contact Person: Angie N= g<br> <br>Glovco (M) Sdn Bhd<br> <br>Lot 760, Jalan Haji Sirat, Off Jalan Meru,<br> <br>42100 Klang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia<br> <br>Phone: 603-3913888 <br> <br>FAX: 603-3916070<br> <br></Font></Address> <br></td> <br><td><Address><Font Face=3D"Garamond" Size=3D3> <br>Contact Person: Michelle Zhu or Emma Die<br> <br>Yen Enterprise, Inc.<br> <br>501 S. Santa Fe<br> <br>Santa Ana, CA 92705<br> <br>Phone: 714-285-2891<br> <br>Fax: 714-285-2889<br> <br></Font></Address></td> <br></td> <br></tr> <br></table></center> <p></font> <p></td></tr></table> <p></center> <p></BODY> <p></html> <br> <br> </body> </html> ------=_NextPart_000_001__19160353_86389.83-- To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-doc" in the body of the message
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