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Date:      Sat, 10 Feb 2001 04:14:11 -0800
From:      "Ted Mittelstaedt" <>
To:        "Sue Blake" <>
Cc:        <freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   RE: Hello from russia!
Message-ID:  <003901c0935a$fa120ac0$>
In-Reply-To: <>

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Ted Mittelstaedt            
Author of:          The FreeBSD Corporate Networker's Guide
Book website:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG
> [mailto:owner-freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG]On Behalf Of Sue Blake
> Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2001 12:07 AM
> To: Ted Mittelstaedt
> Cc: freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG
> Subject: Re: Hello from russia!
> On Fri, Feb 09, 2001 at 10:49:13PM -0800, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> > Frankly, and I sure hope that I speak for everyone, I've
> > always welcomed thoughtful questions from anyone on any
> > FreeBSD-related topic, that were asked by a user of any level,
> > who had taken the trouble to read the documentation on
> > the website.
> Just to clarify, I think you're referring to posts to
> freebsd-questions. This is an example of the attitude of

Mostly, but also to some of the posts in newbies that are
basically people saying "don't post that here post it
somewhere else" when referring to tech questions.

This sort of thing is pointless, there's no interest in renaming
the list, people just need to shaaadddddup about it, and
people are going to post tech questions in any venue, and
people just need to shaaaaddddup about that too.  Besides
that I'd guess most people are subscribed to both lists and
to those that are it's a sensless discussion since no matter
where they post your going to see it.

Private correction is needed and should be applied by anyone who
has time, generally the more correction notices that the
recipient gets the quicker they stop inappropriate posting,
but this business of posting public "quit doing that here"
is rediculous.  All it does is trigger the kind of discussion
that's going on in newbies now.

I've never been on a mailing list or newsgroup that didn't
have a lot of trolling, baiting and the rest of it and I've
done it myself a few times when the poster is particularly
insane, just because after a while you get tired of seeing the
same blandishments, and there's some folks that seem to
thrive on being ignored, rather than the reverse.  In any case
discussing trolling is useless too, people get the idea of what
it is after a few months anyway.

> the majority of people who offer help on freebsd-questions.
> We are very lucky to have such capable volunteer supporters
> who are open to all kinds of questions. In any group of
> over a thousand people, you're bound to get an off reply
> occasionally. That experience can make it difficult to
> realise how good the majority are. Thanks Ted, and others.
> > I've personally always felt that with the exception of a
> > little humor now and then to lighten things up, that it's
> > not productive to post metadiscussion to mailing lists
> > or newsgroups.  (a metadiscussion is
> > a discussion about a discussion for those that don't know)
> Yes, everyone seems to feel like that, except when they
> are newbies. Fortunately we have the freebsd-newbies list
> where newbies can engage in what you call metadiscussion
> without impinging on the other lists.

There's metadiscussion and metadiscussion.  I try to avoid it
and ignore it and generally don't pay much attention until it
starts going down this well worn path again.  With mailing lists
you hear the same thing all the time "let's rename the list"
with newsgroups the cry is always "let's split the newsgroup
into 2 newsgroups"  (BTW, metadiscussion is not my word, but
it's not surprising you may not have heard of it before, as
it's mainly used in newsgroup work)

> > Posters that need guidance should be sent a polite e-mail
> > steering them to the appropriate forum, and if we start getting
> > too many of them a general e-mail should be sent out that
> > explains the charter of the list.  Many lists do this
> > automatically once a month.
> Actually, freebsd-newbies sends one out automatically once
> a week. So does freebsd-questions. People still ask for it

So I've heard but I wonder if the mechanism is broken, it's been
a while since I've seen one.  Although, maybe I've just gotten
too efficient at high speed deletion, it's the only way to get
through the 200 a day posts without spending all your time at it.

> to be sent more often, but I think that would be excessive.
> -- 
> Regards,
>         -*Sue*-
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