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Date:      Sun, 24 Mar 2019 15:47:45 +0000 (UTC)
From:      Josh Paetzel <>
Subject:   svn commit: r496764 - head/astro/xephem/files
Message-ID:  <>

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Author: jpaetzel
Date: Sun Mar 24 15:47:45 2019
New Revision: 496764

  commit the rest of the patches needed by r496694
  Pointyhat to:		jpaetzel

  head/astro/xephem/files/patch-netmenu.c   (contents, props changed)
  head/astro/xephem/files/patch-ucac.c   (contents, props changed)

Added: head/astro/xephem/files/patch-netmenu.c
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/astro/xephem/files/patch-netmenu.c	Sun Mar 24 15:47:45 2019	(r496764)
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+--- netmenu.c.orig	2010-10-06 21:12:40 UTC
++++ netmenu.c
+@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <unistd.h>
++#include <openssl/ssl.h>
+ #include <Xm/Form.h>
+ #include <Xm/Label.h>
+ #include <Xm/PushB.h>
+@@ -70,12 +72,24 @@ static int rb_unk;		/* index of first unknown char */
+ static char netcategory[] = "Network";	/* Save category */
++static SSL_METHOD *ssl_method;	/* global ssl dispatch structure for creating a ssl context */
++static SSL_CTX *ssl_ctx;	/* global ssl context structure for creating ssl connections */
+ /* call to set up without actually bringing up the menus.
+  */
+ void
+ net_create()
+ {
+ 	if (!netshell_w) {
++	    if (SSL_library_init() < 0) {
++		fprintf (stderr, "Could not initialize the OpenSSL library !\n");
++	    } else {
++		ssl_method = SSLv23_client_method();	/* deprecated since openssl 1.1.x */
++//		ssl_method = TLS_client_method();	/* since openssl 1.1.x */
++		ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new (ssl_method);
++		SSL_CTX_set_options (ssl_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2);
++	    };
+ 	    net_create_form();
+ 	    (void) net_save();	/* confirming here is just annoying */
+ 	}
+@@ -251,8 +265,8 @@ char msg[])	/* return diagnostic message here, if retu
+             struct {
+ 		unsigned char  VN;	/* version number */
+ 		unsigned char  CD;	/* command code */
+-		unsigned short DSTPORT;	/* destination port */
+-		unsigned long  DSTIP;	/* destination IP addres */
++		uint16_t       DSTPORT;	/* destination port */
++		uint32_t       DSTIP;	/* destination IP address */
+ 	    } SocksPacket;
+ 	    struct hostent *hs = gethostbyname (socks_host);
+@@ -390,7 +404,7 @@ readbytes (int fd, unsigned char buf[], int n)
+ /* read up to and including the next '\n' from socket fd into buf[max].
+  * we silently ignore all '\r'. we add a trailing '\0'.
+- * return line lenth (not counting \0) if all ok, else -1.
++ * return line length (not counting \0) if all ok, else -1.
+  * N.B. this never reads ahead -- if that's ok, recvlineb() is better
+  */
+ int
+@@ -442,6 +456,216 @@ recvlineb (int sock, char *buf, int size)
+ 		    break;
+ 		}
+ 		nr = read (sock, rb_linebuf, sizeof(rb_linebuf));
++		if (nr <= 0) {
++		    ok = nr;
++		    rb_next = 0;
++		    rb_unk = 0;
++		    break;
++		}
++		rb_next = 0;
++		rb_unk = nr;
++	    }
++	    if ((c = rb_linebuf[rb_next++]) != '\r')
++		*buf++ = c;
++	} while (buf-origbuf < size && c != '\n');
++	/* always give back a real line regardless, else status */
++	if (ok > 0) {
++	    *buf = '\0';
++	    ok = buf - origbuf;
++	}
++	return (ok);
++/* open the host, do the given GET cmd, and return a socket fd for the result.
++ * on success it fills the XE_SSL_FD structure for later use by SSL_read() and necessary cleanup.
++ * return -1 and with excuse in msg[], else 0 if ok.
++ * N.B. can be called before we are created if net set in app defaults.
++ */
++httpsGET (char *host, char *GETcmd, char msg[], XE_SSL_FD *ssl_fd)
++	char buf[2048];
++	int fd;
++	int connected;
++	SSL *ssl;
++	int n;
++	int ret;
++	int httpsport = 443;
++	/* open connection */
++	if (proxy_on) {
++	    fd = mkconnection (proxy_host, proxy_port, msg);
++	    if (fd < 0)
++		return (-1);
++	    /* fill buf with CONNECT */
++	    (void) sprintf (buf, "CONNECT %1$s:%2$d HTTP/1.0\r\nUser-Agent: xephem/%3$s\r\nHost: %1$s:%2$d\r\n\r\n", host, httpsport, PATCHLEVEL);
++	    /* add proxy auth if enabled */
++	    if (!auth_w)
++		net_create_form();
++	    if (XmToggleButtonGetState (auth_w))
++		addAuth(buf);
++	    /* log it */
++	    xe_msg (0, "https proxy connect: %s", buf);
++	    /* send it */
++	    n = strlen (buf);
++	    if (sendbytes(fd, (unsigned char *)buf, n) < 0) {
++		(void) sprintf (msg, "%s: send error: %s", proxy_host, syserrstr());
++		(void) close (fd);
++		return (-1);
++	    }
++	    connected = 0;
++	    while (recvline (fd, buf, sizeof(buf)) > 1) {
++		xe_msg (0, "Rcv: %s", buf);
++		if (strstr (buf, "200 "))
++		    connected = 1;
++	    }
++	    if (!connected) {
++		(void) sprintf (msg, "%s: connect error: %s", proxy_host, syserrstr());
++		(void) close (fd);
++		return (-1);
++	    }
++	} else {
++	    /* SOCKS or direct are both handled by mkconnection() */
++	    fd = mkconnection (host, httpsport, msg);
++	    if (fd < 0)
++		return (-1);
++	}
++	/* fill buf with GETcmd */
++	(void) sprintf (buf, "%s", GETcmd);
++	/* start ssl connection */
++	ssl = SSL_new (ssl_ctx);
++	SSL_set_fd (ssl, fd);
++	SSL_connect (ssl);
++	/* log it */
++	xe_msg (0, "https: %s", buf);
++	/* send it */
++	n = strlen (buf);
++	ret = SSL_write (ssl, (unsigned char *)buf, n);
++	if (ret <= 0) {
++	    (void) sprintf (msg, "%s: ssl send error code: %d", host, SSL_get_error (ssl, ret));
++	    (void) SSL_free (ssl);
++	    (void) close (fd);
++	    return (-1);
++	}
++	/* caller can read response */
++	ssl_fd->fd = fd;
++	ssl_fd->ssl = ssl;
++	return (fd);
++/* receive exactly n bytes from ssl connection ssl_fd into buf.
++ * return -1, 0 or n.
++ * N.B. with fallback to ordinary read from socket if ssl_fd->ssl is NULL
++ */
++ssl_recvbytes (XE_SSL_FD *ssl_fd, unsigned char buf[], int n)
++	int ns, tot;
++	for (tot = 0; tot < n; tot += ns) {
++	    if (tout (TOUT, ssl_fd->fd, 0) < 0)
++		return (-1);
++	    if (ssl_fd->ssl)
++		ns = SSL_read (ssl_fd->ssl, (void *)(buf+tot), n-tot);
++	    else
++		ns = read (ssl_fd->fd, (void *)(buf+tot), n-tot);
++	    if (ns <= 0)
++		return (ns);
++	}
++	return (n);
++/* like read(2) except we time out and allow user to cancel.
++ * receive up to n bytes from ssl connection ssl_fd into buf.
++ * return count, or 0 on eof or -1 on error.
++ * N.B. with fallback to ordinary read from socket if ssl_fd->ssl is NULL
++ */
++ssl_readbytes (XE_SSL_FD *ssl_fd, unsigned char buf[], int n)
++	int ns;
++	if (tout (TOUT, ssl_fd->fd, 0) < 0)
++	    return (-1);
++	if (ssl_fd->ssl)
++	    ns = SSL_read (ssl_fd->ssl, (void *)buf, n);
++	else
++	    ns = read (ssl_fd->fd, (void *)buf, n);
++	return (ns);
++/* read up to and including the next '\n' from ssl into buf[max].
++ * we silently ignore all '\r'. we add a trailing '\0'.
++ * return line length (not counting \0) if all ok, else -1.
++ * N.B. with fallback to ordinary read from socket if ssl_fd->ssl is NULL
++ */
++ssl_recvline (XE_SSL_FD *ssl_fd, char buf[], int max)
++	unsigned char c;
++	int n;
++	max--;	/* leave room for trailing \0 */
++	for (n = 0; n < max && ssl_recvbytes (ssl_fd, &c, 1) == 1; ) {
++	    if (c != '\r') {
++		buf[n++] = c;
++		if (c == '\n') {
++		    buf[n] = '\0';
++		    return (n);
++		}
++	    }
++	}
++	return (-1);
++/* rather like ssl_recvline but reads ahead in big chunk for efficiency.
++ * return length if read a line ok, 0 if hit eof, -1 if error.
++ * N.B. we silently swallow all '\r'.
++ * N.B. we read ahead and can hide bytes after each call.
++ * N.B. with fallback to ordinary read from socket if ssl_fd->ssl is NULL
++ */
++ssl_recvlineb (XE_SSL_FD *ssl_fd, char *buf, int size)
++	char *origbuf = buf;		/* save to prevent overfilling buf */
++	char c = '\0';
++	int ok = 1;
++	/* always leave room for trailing \n */
++	size -= 1;
++	/* read and copy linebuf[next] to buf until buf fills or copied a \n */
++	do {
++	    if (rb_next >= rb_unk) {
++		/* linebuf is empty -- refill */
++		int nr;
++		if (tout (TOUT, ssl_fd->fd, 0) < 0) {
++		    nr = -1;
++		    break;
++		}
++		if (ssl_fd->ssl)
++		    nr = SSL_read (ssl_fd->ssl, rb_linebuf, sizeof(rb_linebuf));
++		else
++		    nr = read (ssl_fd->fd, rb_linebuf, sizeof(rb_linebuf));
+ 		if (nr <= 0) {
+ 		    ok = nr;
+ 		    rb_next = 0;

Added: head/astro/xephem/files/patch-ucac.c
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/astro/xephem/files/patch-ucac.c	Sun Mar 24 15:47:45 2019	(r496764)
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+--- ucac.c.orig	2013-03-02 02:41:37 UTC
++++ ucac.c
+@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@
+ #define	MAXFOV	15.0			/* max fov, degs */
+-typedef unsigned char UC;		/* byte */
+-typedef unsigned int UI;		/* unsigned integer */
++typedef unsigned char XE_UC;		/* byte */
++typedef unsigned int XE_UI;		/* unsigned integer */
+ /* access an I*2 or I*4 at offset i in UC array a in little-endian byte order.
+  * a bit slow but ultra portable.
+  */
+-#define	I2(a,i)		((int)(short)((((UI)(a)[i]) | (((UI)(a)[i+1])<<8))))
+-#define	I4(a,i)		((int)((((UI)(a)[i]) | (((UI)(a)[i+1])<<8) | \
+-				(((UI)(a)[i+2])<<16) | (((UI)(a)[i+3])<<24))))
++#define	I2(a,i)		((int)(short)((((XE_UI)(a)[i]) | (((XE_UI)(a)[i+1])<<8))))
++#define	I4(a,i)		((int)((((XE_UI)(a)[i]) | (((XE_UI)(a)[i+1])<<8) | \
++				(((XE_UI)(a)[i+2])<<16) | (((XE_UI)(a)[i+3])<<24))))
+ /* keep track of an array of ObjF */
+ typedef struct {
+@@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ typedef struct {
+ #define	DPMAS	(1.0/3600000.0)		/* degrees per milliarcsecond */
+-typedef UC U2Star[44];			/* UCAC2 record */
+-typedef UC U3Star[84];			/* UCAC3 record */
+-typedef UC U4Star[78];			/* UCAC4 record */
++typedef XE_UC U2Star[44];		/* UCAC2 record */
++typedef XE_UC U3Star[84];		/* UCAC3 record */
++typedef XE_UC U4Star[78];		/* UCAC4 record */
+ static char *basedir;			/* full dir with zone files and index */
+ static FILE *indexfp;			/* index file handle */
+@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ static int
+ read4Index (int rz, int dz, int *nskip, int *nnew)
+ {
+ 	off_t offset;
+-	UC i4[4];
++	XE_UC i4[4];
+ 	offset = (rz*NZH4 + dz)*sizeof(i4);
+ 	if (fseek (indexfp, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
+@@ -508,7 +508,7 @@ static int
+ read3Index (int rz, int dz, int *nskip, int *nnew)
+ {
+ 	off_t offset;
+-	UC i4[4];
++	XE_UC i4[4];
+ 	offset = (rz*NZH + dz)*sizeof(i4);
+ 	if (fseek (indexfp, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
+@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ static int
+ get2N (int rz, int dz, int *idp)
+ {
+ 	off_t offset;
+-	UC nat[4];
++	XE_UC nat[4];
+ 	offset = (dz*NZW + rz)*sizeof(nat);
+ 	if (fseek (indexfp, offset, SEEK_SET) < 0)

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