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Date:      Mon, 07 Oct 1996 22:32:51 -0400
From:      "Louis A. Mamakos" <louie@TransSys.COM>
To:        Terry Lambert <>
Cc: (Garrett Wollman),,,,,
Subject:   Re: I plan to change random() for -current (was Re: rand() and  random())
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Mon, 07 Oct 1996 11:50:42 PDT." <> 
References:  <> 

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I have to agree with Terry here about "fixing" rand()/srand().  For
better or worse, there are expections on the implementation of these
functions in a standard C libarary.  For instance, in a recent
Internet Draft of a protocol specification for multicast routing
protocol (draft-ietf-idmr-pim-sm-spec-05.txt):

>     3.7 Hash Function
>        The hash function is used by all routers within a domain, to map
>        a  group  to  one of the C-RPs from the RP-Set. For a particular
>        group, G, the hash function uses only those C-RPs  whose  Group-
>        prefix covers G. The algorithm takes as input the group address,
>        and the addresses of the Candidate RPs, and gives as output  one
>        RP address to be used.
>        The protocol requires that all  routers  hash  to  the  same  RP
>        within  a  domain  (except  for  transients). The following hash
>        function must be used in each router:
>        1 For each candidate RP address Ci in the Candidate-RP-
>             Set, whose Group-prefix covers G, compute a value:
>             Value(G,M,Ci) =
>              1103515245 ((1103515245 (G&M)+12345) XOR Ci)+ 12345 mod 2^31
>             where M is a hash-mask included in RP-Set messages.
>             This  hash-mask  allows  a   small   number   of
>             consecutive groups (e.g., 4) to always hash to the same RP.
>             For instance, hierarchically-encoded data can  be  sent  on
>             consecutive  group  addresses  to  get  the  same delay and
>             fate-sharing characteristics.
>             In standard C, this corresponds to:
>           srand(G & M);
>           srand(rand() ^ Ci);
>           value = rand();
>        2    The candidate with the  highest  resulting  value  is  then
>             chosen  as the RP for that group, and its identity and hash
>             value are stored with the entry created.
>             Ties between C-RPs having the same hash value,  are  broken
>             in advantage of the highest address.
>        The hash function algorithm is invoked by a DR,  upon  reception
>        of  a  packet,  or IGMP Host-Membership-Report, for a group, for
>        which the DR has no entry. It is invoked by any router that  has
>        (*,*,RP)  state  when a packet is received for which there is no
>        corresponding  (S,G)  or  (*,G)  entry.  Furthermore,  the  hash
>        function  is  invoked by all routers upon receiving a Join/Prune
>        message with WC-bit set.

I'm not defending the use here, but if we can avoid breaking
assumptions and having an "incompatible" implementation, we ought to.
If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck, it should quack like
one too.

Louis Mamakos

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