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Date:      Mon, 9 Jul 2001 13:16:10 -0600 
From:      jgnovak <>
To:        "'David Johnson'" <>
Cc:        "''" <>
Subject:   RE: Questions
Message-ID:  <>

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Ok, got to get on my soap box.

Proprietary software is evil when:
  a) it costs a lot of money 
  b) it costs a lot of money and is full of 'bugs'
  c) is costs a lot of money and is full of 'bugs' and they deny it
  d) is costs a lot of money and is full of 'bugs' and the deny it, and they
try to squish less expensive or free software
     developers that make a superior product.
  e) all of the above

 I answered 'e' to this question   

(off my soap box)

-----Original Message-----
From: David Johnson []
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 1:06 PM
To: Heiko Recktenwald
Cc: freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject: Re: Questions

Heiko Recktenwald wrote:
> > And the full source for everything is available and a license so free it
> > makes the Linux look miserly. FreeBSD comes with very good
> GNU is something else. I like it subversiv potential ;-)

Subversiveness is great if what you are trying to subvert is evil.

But proprietary software is not evil (though specific instances of it
may be). The GPL starts with a premise that a specific act of sharing is
good, erroneously derives that any specific instance of not sharing is
evil, then concludes that all proprietary software is evil. This would
be like starting from the premise that giving a sandwich to a hungry man
is good, and concluding that all delis are evil.

> The BSD license is less stress for Bill Gates or Cupertino.

That is a Good Thing(tm). Our goal should be to improve FreeBSD, not to
sabotage other systems. I see no point or purpose in deliberately
stressing Bill and Steve.


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