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Date:      Sun, 03 May 1998 14:40:12 -0700 (PDT)
From:      Nicole <>
To:        Brett Glass <>
Cc:        chat@FreeBSD.ORG, FreeBSD advocacy list <FreeBSD-advocacy@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   Re: InfoWorld Electric: Linux Zealots Trashing FreeBSD, Berkeley
Message-ID:  <>
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On 03-May-98 Brett Glass wisely wrote:
> I'm not mentioning FreeBSD explicitly in my messages, but I *am* advocating
> the Berkeley-style license. The angry zealots who respond to me, however,
> are trashing FreeBSD and the *BSDs in general.
> I agree that one can rarely "win" these arguments, but one can raise the
> awareness
> level of the lurkers (of which there are many) that there's an alternative
> point of view. That's where the benefit comes in.
> --Brett

I have heard one good argument against the FreeBSD liscense altho I don't know h
ow true it is..

 Their agument was that the license would allow someone (like M$) to take Freebs
d and add some propritary stuff to it (like Front page extensions, active X etc)
 and sell it without having to give anything back to the FreeBSD group or even s
tate that it was FreeBSD.

Any comments?


> P.S. -- I'm cross-posting this one reply to both lists, but further
> discussion
> probably shouldn't be.
> At 11:51 AM 5/3/98 +0930, Greg Lehey wrote:
>>On Sat,  2 May 1998 at 18:25:47 -0600, Brett Glass wrote:
>>> As usual, a group of GPL zealots have gotten loose in an InfoWorld forum,
>>> claiming that RMS is nothing less than a saint and that the GPL is The One
>>> True Way. They're also trashing FreeBSD and the Berkeley-style license
>>> quite a bit. Some folks from this list might care to join in.... In fact, I
>>> think they should, as previous discussions on the InfoWorld forums have
>>> raised FreeBSD's profile. The URL for the discussion is
>>> You can read the messages without registering, but need to fill out a short
>>> registration form to post. (From what I can tell, you don't have to give
>>> much -- or accurate -- information on the form.)
>>Copying (and following-up to) advocacy.  This seems a better forum.
>>Well, speech is free, but I don't think you'll get much satisfaction
>>fighting a bunch of people who see things differently.  Having said
>>that, of course, I'd have a hard time suggesting that you stop :-)
>>I don't think that it's a good idea to get FreeBSD's name too involved
>>in this kind of discussion, though.  It'll just give the zealots more
>>ammunition.  (I don't know if you *do* mention FreeBSD--I haven't had
>>time to read all the messages.
>>See complete headers for address and phone numbers
>>finger for PGP public key
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