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Date:      Sat, 20 Jun 2015 16:26:58 +0000
Subject:   [Bug 200993] camcontrol commands results in Periph destroyed on mrsas
Message-ID:  <>

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            Bug ID: 200993
           Summary: camcontrol commands results in Periph destroyed on
           Product: Base System
           Version: 10.1-STABLE
          Hardware: amd64
                OS: Any
            Status: New
          Severity: Affects Only Me
          Priority: ---
         Component: kern

FreeBSD 10.1 amd64 on Dell R530 server

camcontrol identify ...
smartctl -a  ...
detach disk with message:
da0 at mrsas0 bus 1 scbus1 target 0 lun 0
da0: <ATA EDGE Boost Pro P BBF0> s/n WZ141217AS1648620    detached
(da0:mrsas0:1:0:0): Periph destroyed

But camcontrol rescan sometimes return disk

# smartctl -a /dev/da0
# camcontrol rescan 1:0:0
# camcontrol identify /dev/da0
# MegaCli -FwTermLog -Dsply -a0
=EF=BF=BD06/20/15 12:29:19: C0:EVT#02773-06/20/15 12:29:19: 113=3DUnexpecte=
d sense: PD
00(e0x20/s0) Path 4433221104000000, CDB: 00 00 00 00 00 00, Sense: 1/00/1d
=EF=BF=BD06/20/15 12:32:56: C0:SysDma: localAddrPlb 50e0241070, localAddr e=
0241070 00
00 1d 00 00 00 00
06/20/15 16:07:36: C0:EVT#02781-06/20/15 16:07:36: 113=3DUnexpected sense: =
07(e0x20/s7) Path 4433221103000000, CDB: 1b 00 00 00 02 00, Sense: 5/24/00

# uname -a
FreeBSD ********** 10.1-RELEASE-p10 FreeBSD 10.1-RELEASE-p10 #0: Wed May 13
06:54:13 UTC 2015=20=20=20=20  amd64

# sysctl -a | grep mrsas
device    mrsas
da0 at mrsas0 bus 1 scbus1 target 0 lun 0
(da0:mrsas0:1:0:0): Periph destroyed
da0 at mrsas0 bus 1 scbus1 target 0 lun 0
da0 at mrsas0 bus 1 scbus1 target 0 lun 0
(da0:mrsas0:1:0:0): Periph destroyed
da0 at mrsas0 bus 1 scbus1 target 0 lun 0
da0 at mrsas0 bus 1 scbus1 target 0 lun 0
(da0:mrsas0:1:0:0): Periph destroyed
da0 at mrsas0 bus 1 scbus1 target 0 lun 0
da7 at mrsas0 bus 1 scbus1 target 7 lun 0
hw.mfi.mrsas_enable: 1
dev.mrsas.0.%desc: LSI Invader SAS Controller
dev.mrsas.0.%driver: mrsas
dev.mrsas.0.%location: slot=3D0 function=3D0
dev.mrsas.0.%pnpinfo: vendor=3D0x1000 device=3D0x005d subvendor=3D0x1028
subdevice=3D0x1f49 class=3D0x010400
dev.mrsas.0.%parent: pci1
dev.mrsas.0.disable_ocr: 0
dev.mrsas.0.driver_version: 06.704.01.01-fbsd
dev.mrsas.0.reset_count: 0
dev.mrsas.0.fw_outstanding: 0
dev.mrsas.0.io_cmds_highwater: 84
dev.mrsas.0.mrsas_debug: 9
dev.mrsas.0.mrsas_io_timeout: 180000
dev.mrsas.0.mrsas_fw_fault_check_delay: 1
dev.mrsas.0.reset_in_progress: 0

# MegaCli -AdpAllInfo -aAll

Adapter #0

Product Name    : PERC H730 Mini
Serial No       : 4CF01GX
FW Package Build:

                    Mfg. Data
Mfg. Date       : 12/18/14
Rework Date     : 12/18/14
Revision No     : A00
Battery FRU     : N/A

                Image Versions in Flash:
BIOS Version       :
Ctrl-R Version     : 5.03-0010
FW Version         : 4.240.00-3615
NVDATA Version     : 3.1310.00-0081
Boot Block Version :

                Pending Images in Flash

                PCI Info
Controller Id    : 0000
Vendor Id       : 1000
Device Id       : 005d
SubVendorId     : 1028
SubDeviceId     : 1f49

Host Interface  : PCIE

ChipRevision    : C0

Link Speed          : 3=20
Number of Frontend Port: 0=20
Device Interface  : PCIE

Number of Backend Port: 8=20
Port  :  Address
0        4433221100000000=20
1        4433221101000000=20
2        4433221102000000=20
3        4433221103000000=20
4        4433221104000000=20
5        4433221105000000=20
6        4433221106000000=20
7        4433221107000000=20

                HW Configuration
SAS Address      : 544a84200655a100
BBU              : Present
Alarm            : Absent
NVRAM            : Present
Serial Debugger  : Present
Memory           : Present
Flash            : Present
Memory Size      : 1024MB
TPM              : Absent
On board Expander: Absent
Upgrade Key      : Absent
Temperature sensor for ROC    : Present
Temperature sensor for controller    : Present

ROC temperature : 33  degree Celsius
Controller temperature : 33  degree Celcius

Current Time                     : 16:24:37 6/20, 2015
Predictive Fail Poll Interval    : 300sec
Interrupt Throttle Active Count  : 16
Interrupt Throttle Completion    : 50us
Rebuild Rate                     : 30%
PR Rate                          : 30%
BGI Rate                         : 30%
Check Consistency Rate           : 30%
Reconstruction Rate              : 30%
Cache Flush Interval             : 4s
Max Drives to Spinup at One Time : 4
Delay Among Spinup Groups        : 12s
Physical Drive Coercion Mode     : 128MB
Cluster Mode                     : Disabled
Alarm                            : Disabled
Auto Rebuild                     : Enabled
Battery Warning                  : Enabled
Ecc Bucket Size                  : 255
Ecc Bucket Leak Rate             : 240 Minutes
Restore HotSpare on Insertion    : Disabled
Expose Enclosure Devices         : Disabled
Maintain PD Fail History         : Disabled
Host Request Reordering          : Enabled
Auto Detect BackPlane Enabled    : SGPIO/i2c SEP
Load Balance Mode                : Auto
Use FDE Only                     : Yes
Security Key Assigned            : No
Security Key Failed              : No
Security Key Not Backedup        : No
Default LD PowerSave Policy      : Controller Defined
Maximum number of direct attached drives to spin up in 1 min : 0=20
Auto Enhanced Import             : No
Any Offline VD Cache Preserved   : No
Allow Boot with Preserved Cache  : No
Disable Online Controller Reset  : No
PFK in NVRAM                     : No
Use disk activity for locate     : No
POST delay             : 90 seconds
BIOS Error Handling               : Pause on Errors
Current Boot Mode           :Normal
RAID Level Supported             : RAID0, RAID1, RAID5, RAID6, RAID10, RAID=
RAID60, PRL 11, PRL 11 with spanning, PRL11-RLQ0 DDF layout with no span,
PRL11-RLQ0 DDF layout with span
Supported Drives                 : SAS, SATA

Allowed Mixing:

Mix in Enclosure Allowed

ECC Bucket Count                 : 0

Max Arms Per VD          : 32=20
Max Spans Per VD         : 8=20
Max Arrays               : 128=20
Max Number of VDs        : 64=20
Max Parallel Commands    : 928=20
Max SGE Count            : 60=20
Max Data Transfer Size   : 8192 sectors=20
Max Strips PerIO         : 42=20
Max LD per array         : 16=20
Min Strip Size           : 64 KB
Max Strip Size           : 1.0 MB
Max Configurable CacheCade Size: 0 GB
Current Size of CacheCade      : 0 GB
Current Size of FW Cache       : 0 MB

                Device Present
Virtual Drives    : 0=20
  Degraded        : 0=20
  Offline         : 0=20
Physical Devices  : 9=20
  Disks           : 8=20
  Critical Disks  : 0=20
  Failed Disks    : 0=20

                Supported Adapter Operations
Rebuild Rate                    : Yes
CC Rate                         : Yes
BGI Rate                        : Yes
Reconstruct Rate                : Yes
Patrol Read Rate                : Yes
Alarm Control                   : Yes
Cluster Support                 : No
BBU                             : Yes
Spanning                        : Yes
Dedicated Hot Spare             : Yes
Revertible Hot Spares           : Yes
Foreign Config Import           : Yes
Self Diagnostic                 : Yes
Allow Mixed Redundancy on Array : No
Global Hot Spares               : Yes
Deny SCSI Passthrough           : No
Deny SMP Passthrough            : No
Deny STP Passthrough            : No
Support Security                : Yes
Snapshot Enabled                : No
Support the OCE without adding drives : Yes
Support PFK                     : No
Support PI                      : Yes
Support Boot Time PFK Change    : No
Disable Online PFK Change       : No
Support LDPI Type1                      : No
Support LDPI Type2                      : Yes
Support LDPI Type3                      : No
Support Shield State            : Yes
Block SSD Write Disk Cache Change: No
Support Online FW Update    : Yes

                Supported VD Operations
Read Policy          : Yes
Write Policy         : Yes
IO Policy            : Yes
Access Policy        : Yes
Disk Cache Policy    : Yes
Reconstruction       : Yes
Deny Locate          : No
Deny CC              : No
Allow Ctrl Encryption: No
Enable LDBBM         : Yes
Support Breakmirror  : Yes
Power Savings        : Yes

                Supported PD Operations
Force Online                            : Yes
Force Offline                           : Yes
Force Rebuild                           : Yes
Deny Force Failed                       : No
Deny Force Good/Bad                     : No
Deny Missing Replace                    : No
Deny Clear                              : No
Deny Locate                             : No
Support Temperature                     : Yes
NCQ                                     : No
Disable Copyback                        : No
Enable JBOD                             : Yes
Enable Copyback on SMART                : Yes
Enable Copyback to SSD on SMART Error   : Yes
Enable SSD Patrol Read                  : No
PR Correct Unconfigured Areas           : Yes
Enable Spin Down of UnConfigured Drives : No
Disable Spin Down of hot spares         : Yes
Spin Down time                          : 30=20
T10 Power State                         : Yes
                Error Counters
Memory Correctable Errors   : 0=20
Memory Uncorrectable Errors : 0=20

                Cluster Information
Cluster Permitted     : No
Cluster Active        : No

                Default Settings
Phy Polarity                     : 0=20
Phy PolaritySplit                : 0=20
Background Rate                  : 30=20
Strip Size                       : 64kB
Flush Time                       : 4 seconds
Write Policy                     : WB
Read Policy                      : Adaptive
Cache When BBU Bad               : Disabled
Cached IO                        : No
SMART Mode                       : Mode 6
Alarm Disable                    : No
Coercion Mode                    : 128MB
ZCR Config                       : Unknown
Dirty LED Shows Drive Activity   : No
BIOS Continue on Error           : 1=20
Spin Down Mode                   : None
Allowed Device Type              : SAS/SATA Mix
Allow Mix in Enclosure           : Yes
Allow HDD SAS/SATA Mix in VD     : No
Allow SSD SAS/SATA Mix in VD     : No
Allow HDD/SSD Mix in VD          : No
Allow SATA in Cluster            : No
Max Chained Enclosures           : 4=20
Disable Ctrl-R                   : No
Enable Web BIOS                  : No
Direct PD Mapping                : Yes
BIOS Enumerate VDs               : Yes
Restore Hot Spare on Insertion   : No
Expose Enclosure Devices         : No
Maintain PD Fail History         : No
Disable Puncturing               : No
Zero Based Enclosure Enumeration : Yes
PreBoot CLI Enabled              : No
LED Show Drive Activity          : Yes
Cluster Disable                  : Yes
SAS Disable                      : No
Auto Detect BackPlane Enable     : SGPIO/i2c SEP
Use FDE Only                     : Yes
Enable Led Header                : No
Delay during POST                : 0=20
EnableCrashDump                  : No
Disable Online Controller Reset  : No
EnableLDBBM                      : Yes
Un-Certified Hard Disk Drives    : Allow
Treat Single span R1E as R10     : Yes
Max LD per array                 : 16
Power Saving option              : Don't spin down unconfigured drives
Don't spin down Hot spares
Don't Auto spin down Configured Drives
Power settings apply to all drives - individual PD/LD power settings cannot=
Max power savings option is  not allowed for LDs. Only T10 power conditions=
to be used.
Cached writes are not used for spun down VDs
Can schedule disable power savings at controller level
Default spin down time in minutes: 30=20
Enable JBOD                      : Yes
TTY Log In Flash                 : Yes
Auto Enhanced Import             : No
BreakMirror RAID Support         : Yes
Disable Join Mirror              : Yes
Enable Shield State              : No
Time taken to detect CME         : 60s

Exit Code: 0x00

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