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Date:      Mon, 09 Apr 2001 10:31:17 -0700
From:      David Johnson <>
Subject:   Re: browzers
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sphin X wrote:
> does anyone know how to go around the netscape problem? i'd be gratefull for answers cause
> i'm on 56k and cant just download huge ports just to try them out.
> is there any other fast, but full featured, browzer i can get???

Give Konqueror a shot. It's part of KDE (2), so you will need to install
kdelibs and kdebase. But since I've installed KDE-2, I haven't been
using Netscape at all, except for those "netscape-only" sites that
really mean it. It it full featured, supports CSS, Java, ECMA
(javascript), Netscape plugins, etc.

The only problems I've had have been with Netscape plugins. Since these
are typically Linux binaries, they won't work in the FreeBSD process
space of Konqueror. It's a small price though.


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