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Date:      Mon, 22 Jul 2002 11:21:37 +0400 (MSD)
From:      Andrew Kopeyko <>
To:        Chris Knipe <>
Cc:        "Dave [Hawk-Systems]" <>, FreeBSD-ISP <freebsd-isp@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   Re: Restart without reboot
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <001101c23039$1697a020$fe01a8c0@genocide>

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On Sun, 21 Jul 2002, Chris Knipe wrote:

> No,
> Once the system is in init 1, it is single-user mode.  It only runs one
> shell, one one console.
> You'll need to be physically infront of the system...

Or you can use 'remote console' to do all remotely:
 - add 'cuaa0 "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600" cons25 on secure' line to
   '/etc/ttys' and 'kill -HUP 1'
-- now you should have getty prompt on COM1
 - connect COM1 to any terminal server (such as CISCO-2509/2511) and
   configure terminal server port to 9600,8,N,1
 - add 'console="comconsole"' to /boot/loader.conf
 - connect to terminal server remotely (for CISCO use 'telnet <CISCO_IP>
   2001' to connect to system attached to CISCO's ASYNC-1 port)
-- now reboot you system (may be done remotely via ssh) and see booting
   process on your terminal server connection.

Some server platforms (such as Intel ISP-XXXX) can be cofigured to
redirect BIOS input/output to COM1, so you can remotely configure BIOS and
add-on cards with theis BIOSes (such as Adaptec SCSI, IDE RAID, etc) via
that 'remote console'.

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dave [Hawk-Systems]" <>
> To: "Chris Knipe" <>; "FreeBSD-ISP"
> <freebsd-isp@FreeBSD.ORG>
> Sent: Saturday, July 20, 2002 11:23 PM
> Subject: RE: Restart without reboot
> > can this be done remotely (ie via ssh?)
> >
> > >init 1
> > >init 3
> > >
> > >This switches your system to runlevel 1 (what is is when it starts
> > >up), and when you go back to runlevel 3, your system will "boot up"
> > >like it normally would do after a reboot.
> > >
> > >>I know you can restart just a process by using 'kill -HUP pid', but
> > >>what process do I need to restart after modifying /etc/rc.conf?  I've
> > >>always rebooted the machine in the past, but I've heard you can have
> > >>the rc.conf re-read.
> >
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Best regards,
Andrew Kopeyko <>

  Rambler Co.
  phone :	+7 095 745-3619

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