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Date:      Tue, 11 Apr 2000 11:50:04 -0700 (PDT)
From:      "Jay Krell" <>
Subject:   Re: kern/17871: starting to accumulate undeletable directories
Message-ID:  <>

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The following reply was made to PR kern/17871; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: "Jay Krell" <>
To: "Jeroen Ruigrok/Asmodai" <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: kern/17871: starting to accumulate undeletable directories
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000 11:48:12 -0700

 I know, I know. I just wish a symbolic callstack was automatically dumped to
 a text file, or a core file I could easily get a call stack from, or I'd be
 dumped into a nice gui debugger with matching sources and symbols when a
 panic happened. That's the amount of work I'm used to having to do.. Other
 operating systems have worked ok on this hardward, but that doesn't prove
  - Jay
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Jeroen Ruigrok/Asmodai <>
 To: Jay Krell <>
 Cc: <>
 Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2000 10:12 AM
 Subject: Re: kern/17871: starting to accumulate undeletable directories
 >-On [20000411 16:00], Jay Krell ( wrote:
 >>This file system caused repeated kernel panics. It was a new file system
 >>(like a day old), and I've been able to "sloppily repro" this is a lot,
 >>"just" by reinstall BSD from scratch, ftp over a
 >>FreeBSDCvsRepository.tar.gz, tar xvfz it, and try to rm -rf it, in
 >>to the tar xvfz, build and fetch ports, hours to days of this (mainly of
 >>fetching and building ports and cvsuping the repository, only once per
 >>reinstall tar xvfz'ing the repository), and it always goes bad, with 3.4
 >>Release, 3.4-Current, 4.0-Release, and 4.0-Current. I've given up on
 >>for now and am giving Linux a shot. Maybe it's a hardware problem..
 >I really think it is some sort of hardware, because the above described
 >steps/procedures are what I do, day in, day out, on all kinds of
 >Sorry to hear you don't consider FreeBSD anymore.
 >But its your free choice. =)
 >>I've had repeated file system corruption and hangs and panics with newly
 >>fresh BSD installs.
 >Hmmm, that starts to sound like your memory might be flakey.  I had one
 >FreeBSD host which gave me a lot of filesystem panics until I replaced
 >the memory.  It is now one of the most stable servers we have deployed.
 >>The file system has been formatted over. What's ls -ailosF?
 >You used ls -l to look at the delete directories.  aiosF are additional
 >flags giving all information, inode information, flags on
 >files/directories and type determining.  Read the previous sentence as
 >basic troubleshooting/bug tracking.
 >I am going to close this PR since we cannot get any more information
 >about this from your system, since you already formatted it.  A word of
 >warning though, if you use _any_ bug reporting utility, be it a
 >commercial firm, or an Open Source Project, people are going to want you
 >to do some testing and reporting.  See it like this, if they had your
 >system and it gave the same problems you described, wouldn't you think
 >they would've fixed it before unleashing it on the unsuspecting user?
 >Now, they don't have your system, thus you are _required_ to do some
 >`dirty' work in order for the other guys to solve your problems, if it
 >is confirmed to be a problem in the software and not in the hardware.
 >Kind regards,
 >Jeroen Ruigrok vd Werven/Asmodai    asmodai@[||]
 >Documentation nutter/C-rated Coder BSD: Technical excellence at its best
 >The BSD Programmer's Documentation Project <>;
 >I realise that nothing's as it seems...

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