Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 15:35:04 +0100 From: "Joao Barros" <> To: Cc: Gleb Smirnoff <> Subject: [PATCH] add header "pppoe:" in ng_pppoe.c printfs Message-ID: <>
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------=_Part_148041_22325824.1154615704773 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline Hi, I recently switched ISPs which in turn led me from a cablemodem to an ADSL modem. After setting PPPoE up I started noticing this messages in the daily run outputs that that nice guy Charlie root sends me at 3am: Aug 3 08:24:54 ultra5 kernel: session in wrong state I was a bit suspicious of anything PPPoE related and a little search confirmed that, pointing directly at ng_pppoe.c Being this a cryptic message to say the least and to probably save someone some time when presented with this message I attach a patch that adds the header "pppoe:" in every printf that didn't have it, making it consistent with the rest of the file. I also noticed this message appears right before the ISP closes the connection due to time limit. I'm CCing those I see were the last ones to commit to this file and will file a PR if asked to. -- Joao Barros ------=_Part_148041_22325824.1154615704773 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=ng_pppoe.c.patch Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 X-Attachment-Id: f_eqf89nw3 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="ng_pppoe.c.patch" LS0tIG5nX3BwcG9lLmMub3JpZ2luYWwJVGh1IEF1ZyAwMyAxNTowOTo1MSAyMDA2CisrKyBuZ19w cHBvZS5jCVRodSBBdWcgMDMgMTU6MTY6MTUgMjAwNgpAQCAtMTEwOCArMTEwOCBAQAotCQkJCXBy aW50ZigiY291bGRuJ3QgbV9wdWxsdXBcbiIpOworCQkJCXByaW50ZigicHBwb2U6IGNvdWxkbid0 IG1fcHVsbHVwXG4iKTsKQEAgLTExMjcgKzExMjcgQEAKLQkJCQkJCXByaW50ZigiY291bGRuJ3Qg bV9wdWxsdXBcbiIpOworCQkJCQkJcHJpbnRmKCJwcHBvZTogY291bGRuJ3QgbV9wdWxsdXBcbiIp OwpAQCAtMTE1MCArMTE1MCBAQAotCQkJCQlwcmludGYoInBhY2tldCBmcmFnbWVudGVkXG4iKTsK KwkJCQkJcHJpbnRmKCJwcHBvZTogcGFja2V0IGZyYWdtZW50ZWRcbiIpOwpAQCAtMTIwNyArMTIw NyBAQAotCQkJCQlwcmludGYoIm5vIGhvc3QgdW5pcXVlIGZpZWxkXG4iKTsKKwkJCQkJcHJpbnRm KCJwcHBvZTogbm8gaG9zdCB1bmlxdWUgZmllbGRcbiIpOwpAQCAtMTIxMyArMTIxMyBAQAotCQkJ CQlwcmludGYoIm5vIG1hdGNoaW5nIHNlc3Npb25cbiIpOworCQkJCQlwcmludGYoInBwcG9lOiBu byBtYXRjaGluZyBzZXNzaW9uXG4iKTsKQEAgLTEyMjMgKzEyMjMgQEAKLQkJCQkJcHJpbnRmKCJz ZXNzaW9uIGluIHdyb25nIHN0YXRlXG4iKTsKKwkJCQkJcHJpbnRmKCJwcHBvZTogc2Vzc2lvbiBp biB3cm9uZyBzdGF0ZVxuIik7Cg== ------=_Part_148041_22325824.1154615704773--
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