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Date:      Tue, 27 Mar 2001 14:35:54 -0500
From:      "Potts, Ross" <>
To:        'Nik Clayton' <>, Lute Mullenix <>
Subject:   RE: Just getting started
Message-ID:  <>

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You can set Linux compatibility in the install if there is something you want
from linux that isn't in there(not likely).  Or after your box is setup,
reconfigure the kernel.  Check the handbook.

-----Original Message-----
From: Nik Clayton []
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 10:15 AM
To: Lute Mullenix
Subject: Re: Just getting started

On Sun, Mar 18, 2001 at 07:55:04PM -0600, Lute Mullenix wrote:
> I do have a couple of questions to start off with though. First on boot up I
> get a message about boot sector write, possible virus. This being a fresh
> install off the CD I figure there isn't a virus, so I just tell it to
> continue. How can I make it stop giving me this warning? 

Almost certainly a setting in your PCs BIOS.  You'll need to check

> Second, the install
> hangs for a long time when it gets to the part of:
> starting standard daemons: inetd cron sendmail
> Is that normal?

It's a DNS timeout.  Searching the mailing list archives for "DNS
sendmail timeout" should turn up the information you need.

> After checking out the web site a few times, I don't see any reason why
> FreeBSD can't be used as my only OS, it seems to have all the ports that are
> needed to have a completely functioning system, and that is what I hope to
> accomplish. I do have one hang-up though, it must be all native FreeBSD code
> apps. No Linux binarys. Don't foresee a problem there though since in going
> through the web site, it seems my most used stuff has been ported, the
> exception being Netscape. Don't really like Mozilla at this point, but may
> have to learn to live with it.

There's a BSD/OS version of Netscape which also runs on FreeBSD.

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