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Date:      Tue, 31 Aug 2004 15:19:04 -0500
From:      "Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P." <>
To:        Brad Knowles <>
Subject:   Re: PCI SIO devices hog interrupts, cause lock order problems
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <p060020a0bd5a70473d81@[]>
References:  <><56850.10938943> <> <p06002097bd59e277004f@[]> <> <p060020a0bd5a70473d81@[]>

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Brad Knowles wrote:

> At 11:48 AM -0500 2004-08-31, Kevin D. Kinsey, DaleCo, S.P. wrote:
>>>      Go wonkies?!?  OMG ROTFLMAOTIPMTU!!!
>>  Umm, nice; but his context beats yours.  "wonkies" is easier
>>  than this acronym, which Google can't touch.
>     The first two I'm sure you're familiar with, but perhaps not the 
> third:
>         OMG = Oh My G*d
>         ROTFLMAO = Rolling On The Floor, Laughing My A$$ Off
>         TIPMTU = 'Till I Puke My Toenails Up
I came real close, then.

>> Not that I've  no clue at all ... but do you really eat tofu?
>     On rare occasion, yes.  Usually in ground form, as a replacement
> for ground beef, or to augment ground beef.
>     Now, where did you get the idea for Tofu?
I missed "Toenails" ;-)

Kevin Kinsey

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