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Date:      Sun, 12 Mar 2000 16:46:57 PST
From:      "Cosmic 665" <>
Subject:   Re: Hola !!!
Message-ID:  <>

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   Your point is well taken and noted. I don't plan on writing replies to 
this mailing list in other languages.  But I'm suggesting that 
english-speaking-only people on this mailing list shouldn't be discouged 
from helping someone due to language barriers.  I was simply offering a 
simple method of helping people that don't write or understand english.
    Often times It seems as if the internet treats everyone as "English" or 
"American-Only" and it's WRONG!!  But I do understand the need for this 
mailing list to be english-only.  Therefore any messages I send will be in 
english, but I'll reply to any non-english emails in  private.


>Primero debo recomendarte que algunos en esta lista se
>sienten un poco incomodos cuando escribes en un idioma
>distinto al ingles, por eso te recomiendo que si vas a
>dirigirte a alguien en esta lista lo hagas en ese
>idioma. Si realmente necesitas informacion sobre como
>instalar paquetes y otras funcionalidades del FreeBSD
>debes dirigirte a la seccion de "Mailing lists" en la
>pagina y haz un exhaustiva busqueda (en
>ingles)  del topico que necesites presionando la
>opcion "search". Alli mismo tienes tanto a la lista de
>correos en espaņol como las "Preguntas y respuestas
>mas frequentas" (FAQ) en nuestro idioma. Si aun alli
>no consigues nada dirigite (en ingles) a la lista de
>correo freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG, y estoy seguro
>que un 98% de las preguntas y dudas que tengas seran
>respondidas alli (el otro 2% esta de parte leyendo la
>documentacion principal, manuales, tutoriales, y
>Preguntas Mas Frecuentes  que tambien puedes conseguir
>en dicho site).
>En esta lista las discusiones se centran mas en
>aspectos menos tecnicos y mas relacionados con
>experiencias y vivencias utilizando los diversos
>recursos del FreeBSD. Algunos de nosotros estamos
>dispuestos a ofrecerte sin problemas "Soluciones" que
>nos han servido pero que cuando se esta comenzando
>pueden resultar inapropiadas si no se ha revisado
>primero las fuentes que antes te he mencionado.
>Espero que las recomendaciones que te he mencionado te
>ayuden a lograr el nivel de experticia que necesitas
>para sacarle un mejor provecho a este sin par Sistema
>Recibe un cordial saludo
>(avoiding misunderstandings....)
>I should first recommend that some of the members in
>this list will not feel very comfortable if you write
>your inquiries in another language different than
>english. I you are going to address someone in this
>list do it in the english language. If you really need
>information about package installation or any other
>topic about freebsd I suggest you visit the freebsd
>site at and look for the mailing
>lists. Under there you can throughly search the
>questions mailing list and very others by pressing the
>option "search". Also you will find there the spanish
>mailing list and also a section on FAQ in spanish. If
>still you do not find what you are looking for address
>the freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG mailing list ( use
>the english language) and I am absolutely sure your
>questions will be answered and your doubts will b
>clarified 98% of the time. (The other 2% comes from
>how much time you spend on reading the Handbooks,
>tutorials and FAQs in the site above mentioned).
>This list is for less tecnical issues and more
>concerned with experiences users have had with the
>Freebsd and other related topics. All of us in this
>list are more than willing to help you solve the
>problems you might have, but some of the solution we
>offer (since this is not a technical list) might not
>be appropiate if you have not read the already
>mentioned sources of information.
>I hope this recommendations will be of some help to
>you achive some level of understanding, so you can
>obtain the maximum benefit form this fabulous
>operating system.
>--- "Dra. Iria Estrada" <> wrote:
> > Tengo el sistema operativo pero hay algunas cosas
> > que desconozco en
> > relacion a la instalacion de los programas  . . .
> > quisiera tener
> > relacion con alguien que tenga un poco de
> > experiencia para ver si me
> > pudiera ayudar en este sentido mis programas que
> > manejo son sendmail
> > radius apache etc . . . pero quiero mejorar el
> > servicio.
> > De antemano gracias . . .
> >
> > Rafael Angulo Montoya
> > Cabonet
> >
> >
> >
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> > the message
> >
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