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Date:      Tue, 31 Jul 2001 22:33:22 -0700 (PDT)
From:      Eric De Mund <>
To:        <>
Subject:   no luck using SMC7004BR Barricade as print server
Message-ID:  <>

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Is anyone successfully using the (LPR) print server functionality of
their SMC7004BR (Barricade) Broadband Router? I can print with this
device just fine from Windows hosts (Win 98, NT 4.0, and Win 2000), yet
not from my 4.3-RELEASE host.

My printer is an HP LaserJet 4L. I've been happily using my SMC7004BR as
an LPR print server (to this HP LaserJet 4L) from NT 4.0, Windows 98,
and Win 2000. Now, however, I've just set up a FreeBSD (4.3-RELEASE)
box, and am trying to print from it. UNIX text files *sometimes* print
in MS-DOS fashion (i.e. like this:

    This is the first line.
                           This is the second line.
                                                   Third line.

), and other times don't print at all. PostScript files translated by
Ghostscript either cause nothing to happen, or result in all-blank pages
being printed.

I have the latest firmware installed, version 1.93e. If anyone is
successfully using the print server functionality of their SMC7004BR
from their FreeBSD box, please let me know.

Here are my printcap and input filter. "printhost" is an alias for my
SMC7004BR, my FreeBSD box is an IBM ThinkPad 600 Type 2645-51U, my
network card is a Xircom XE2000, and to my knowledge I'm experiencing no
other network problems.

    /etc/printcap (excerpt)

    lj|laserjet|ljet4|hplj|hplj4l|lp|Hewlett Packard LaserJet 4L:\

    /usr/local/libexec/hpif (excerpt)

    if [ "$first_two_chars" = "%!" ]; then
        exec 3>&1 1>&2
        /usr/local/bin/gs -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=ljet4 \
            -sOutputFile=/dev/fd/3 - && exit 0
        /usr/local/bin/gs -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=ljet4 \
            -sOutputFile=- - && exit 0

        echo $first_line && cat && printf "\033&l0H" && exit 0

Could timing be an issue? I saw in the change history for the next-to-
most-recent firmware revision of this device the vague note, "Enlarge
timeout for print server to solve some printing problems." As I
mentioned, though, I have the latest revision of this firmware, 1.93e.

Many thanks,
Eric De Mund <> | Ixian Systems, Inc. | 53 49 B2 23 AF 6C 20 81    | Mountain View, CA   | ED DD 4C 81 AA C9 D1 A5

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