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Date:      Sat, 15 Mar 2003 15:00:17 -0800 (PST)
From:      "Simon L. Nielsen" <>
Subject:   Re: docs/50023: [patch] rc.conf(5) does not document mountd_flags
Message-ID:  <>

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The following reply was made to PR docs/50023; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: "Simon L. Nielsen" <>
To: Tom Rhodes <>
Subject: Re: docs/50023: [patch] rc.conf(5) does not document mountd_flags
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2003 23:56:30 +0100

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
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 On 2003.03.15 10:57:29 -0500, Tom Rhodes wrote:
 > On Sat, 15 Mar 2003 16:36:08 +0100 (CET)
 > "Simon L.Nielsen" <> wrote:
 > > Index: rc.conf.5
 > > =3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=
 > > RCS file: /data/mirror/freebsd/ncvs/src/share/man/man5/rc.conf.5,v
 > > retrieving revision 1.177
 > > diff -u -d -r1.177 rc.conf.5
 > > --- rc.conf.5	28 Feb 2003 22:07:19 -0000	1.177
 > > +++ rc.conf.5	15 Mar 2003 15:27:22 -0000
 > > @@ -1059,6 +1059,13 @@
 > >  .Xr nfsd 8
 > >  daemon.
 > >  It is commonly needed to run CFS without real NFS used.
 > > +.It Va mountd_flags
 > > +.Pq Vt str
 > > +If
 > > +.Va mountd_enable
 > > +is set to
 > > +.Dq Li YES ,
 > > +these are the flags to pass to it.
 > >  .It Va weak_mountd_authentication
 > >  .Pq Vt bool
 > >  If set to
 > These are the flags which will be passed to it, what flags are
 > availible?  What exactly does this do for the user?  These are the
 > questions that a new user would ask.  Is there any way we can
 > explain this better?
 I must admit I just did a copy/paste from one of the other _flags options
 =66rom the manpage (rwhod_flags i think).
 I don't really think that explaing anyting about which flags can be set
 to mountd would really help since it would just duplicate parts of
 mountd(8) and no options are really important to be specially
 Thinking a bit more about it the "it" in the mountd_flags description
 should be replaced with "mountd(8)" to make it more clear where to find
 more information. I can quickly make a new patch with this included if
 you prefer that.
 Looking some more at the manpage it appears there the different _flags
 options which should basicaly do the same have rather different wording
 and level of detail. The way syslod_flags is described seems to bee most
                  (str) If syslogd_enable is set to ``YES'', these are the
                  flags to pass to syslogd(8).
                  (str) If rwhod_enable is set to ``YES'', these are the fla=
                  to pass to it.
      amd_flags   (str) If amd_enable is set to ``YES'', these are the flags=
                  pass to it.  See the amd(8) manpage for more information.
                  (str) If set, vidcontrol(1) is run with these options for
                  each of the virtual terminals (/dev/ttyv*).  For example,
                  ``-m on'' will enable the mouse pointer on all virtual ter=
                  nals if moused_enable is set to ``YES''.
                  (str) Set to ``-Ds'' by default.  This variable contains
                  flags passed to the ipmon(8) program.  Another typical exa=
                  ple would be ``-D /var/log/ipflog'' to have ipmon(8) log
                  directly to a file bypassing syslogd(8).  Make sure to adj=
                  /etc/newsyslog.conf in such case like this:
                  /var/log/ipflog  640  10  100  *  Z  /var/run/
 As I looked through the rc.conf(5) i also noticed that some variabels
 document their default value where others don't and it does not seems
 to be done consistently.
 I think it would be a good idea to add the default value to all the
 variabels for rc.conf. I would be happy to do it if a consistent form
 (perhaps like all variabels document a type) can be found and other
 people think it would be a good idea.
 Doing a quick greping/diffing of defaults/rc.conf and rc.conf(5) several
 other variabels are not documented. I guess it would be preferable to
 have them documented also...?
 I just noticed the missing mountd_flags by chance since I was adding an
 option to mountd (to force binding to a specific port)...
 Simon L. Nielsen
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