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Date:      Thu, 26 Dec 96 12:44:21 -0500
From:      <>
To:        dooby <>
Cc:        "" <>
Subject:   Re: access.conf in Apache
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-- [ From: Doug Woodward * EMC.Ver #3.1 ] --

> From: dooby                    \ Internet:  (
> To:   freebsd-isp@FreeBSD.ORG  \ Internet:  (
> Can anyone point me to instructions how to restrict access to a
> directory to just one user using access.conf in the Apache web server?

See (Run-Time Configuration Directives and Security 
Tips). But here is how to do it. Note, in all of the examples below, the 
use of upper and lower case. It is required. These examples probably 
require Apache 1.1.1 or higher.

Setup your access.conf file as follows then "re-start your webserver".

1) Add the following:

   <Directory /apache/root/dir>
   AllowOverride None
   Options None
   <Limit GET PUT POST>
   allow from all

   This blocks anyone from getting open access to any directory or sub-
dir. on your Web-Site as well as any of your system wide settings.  
/Apache/Root/Dir is the root document directory of your webserver such 


This command can (should!) be placed inside the <Virtual Host> setup in 
the httpd.conf for any virtual web-sites you have.

2) Add the following for "each" sub-directory you wish to allow 
restricted access to:

    <Directory /apache/root/dir/sub-dir>
    AllowOverride All
    Options None
    <Limit GET PUT POST>
    order allow,deny
    allow from
    deny from all

    This examples allows access by anyone who is from your domain 
( being your real domain name, of course).

    To restrict it to a single computer from a domain change the "allow 
from" to "" (without the quotes). This 
restricts it to just the computer who's host name matches the 
"computername". You can not restrict it by user e-mail id since nearly 
all web-browsers will not pass the email address to the web-server. This 
command also works inside a "virtual host command" in the httpd.conf 

3) If you wish to restrict by person and not by computer/domain then you 
must add .htaccess and .htpasswds files to each directory you wish to 
allow restricted access to. To do this:

A) Add the following to your access.conf (one for each sub-directory):
   <Directory /apache/root/dir/sub-dir>
   AllowOverride All
   Options None

B) Create a .htaccess file as follows and put it in each sub-directory

   AuthType Basic
   AuthName Enter Your Password
   AuthUserFile /apache/root/dir/sub-dir/.htpasswds
   AuthGroupFile /dev/null

   <Limit GET PUT POST>
   require valid-user

   AuthType - must be Basic unless you compiled with the "Digest Auth
              Type Module.
   AuthGroup - is not needed so it must be set to /dev/null
   AuthUserFile - is the location and name of the Apache password file.
   AuthName - is what you want you want to say to the people when they
              attempt to access the directory, Above The User Name And
              Password fields.

C) Use the Apache htpasswd program to add each user's sign-on name and 
password. This program is included with the sourc ebut is not compiled 
automatically. Check your apache src/support directory for it. The 
syntax for this program is:

    htpasswd -c /passwd/dir/yourpasswordfile username (to create the
    file and add a user)
    htpasswd /passwrd/dir/yourpasswordfile username (to add a new user
    to the file or change the password of an existing user in the file).

4) The Options None command can be changed to what ever you want to 
allow in each directory such as:

    Options All
    Options ExecCGI, IncludesNOEXEC
5) The .htaccess file can be any name you wish by changing it in your 
srm.conf file. This is the default name. If you do change it I strongly 
recommend you keep the . in front of the file name as a security 
precaution. Web browsers can not issue the equivalent of ls -al so 
therefore should anyone get a listing of your directory(s) they still 
wont see (or access) this file. Be sure to set the file to to read only 
as well after creating it. Your password file, of course, should be in a 
totally restriced area of your system.

Doug Woodward
IntraServe Technologies Inc.

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