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Date:      Mon, 2 Jan 1995 04:41:09 -0500 (EST)
From:      Wankle Rotary Engine <>
Subject:   Re: NIS stuff update
Message-ID:  <>

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They say this Thomas Gellekum person was kidding when he wrote:
> Wankle Rotary Engine wrote:
> > - Teach yppasswdd how to handle FreeBSD's password database system.
> I have begun to write a yppasswdd some time ago, when I thought I
> had the time to finish it. Turned out I was wrong. Anyway, I used
> some of the routines from passwd and vipw; building the database is
> handled by makedbm (or yp_mkdb as you called it).

Converting yppasswdd turned out to be very simple once I took a look in 
/usr/src/usr.bin/passwd. This particular version fork()s off a child
process to run a program to rebuild the NIS maps. I'm using a script
for that for now.

> > I don't suppose anybody knows how to export /etc/master.passwd without
> > the whole world being able to see it.
> You should not need /etc/master.password. YP should have its own
> database in /var/yp. The /etc/master.password should only regulate
> access to the server and not contain the user entries for the
> machines in the current domain.
> This was one thing I didn't like about the Linux YP implementation
> when I looked it a while ago.
> tg

Actually, you do need to export /etc/master.passwd -- or at least a file 
with the same format. The secure password database doesn't just contain 
encrypted passwords: it contains password aging information and other 
assorted crap (some of which may or may not be implemented yet) which 
FreeBSD client machines would need to know about. The existing YP client
functions in libc assume that the server they'll be talking to uses 
standard /etc/passwd-style maps, which means they have to be altered 
slightly in order for the additional information to be extracted from the 
maps. This is something I'll be looking at tomorrow, since I've done
more than enough hacking today. :)

But forgetting the format difference for the moment, there's still
the matter of keeping the encrypted passwords away from prying eyes.
The whole point of /etc/master.passwd and /etc/spwd.db is to have
a secure password database that only the superuser can access so that
you won't be vulnerable to 'Crack' attacks. What I want to do is
allow FreeBSD machines to be configured as NIS clients while still
only allowing the superuser to access encrypted passwords. Since
sending my last message (yesterday :), I've discovered a half-assed
way to do it: the NIS server can check the TCP ports from which requests
originate. Requests from processes running as root will originate
from privileged ports; requests from normal users will not. I just
finished hacking ypserv such that it will return YP_YPERR if it
receives a request to access master.passwd.* that does not come
from a privileged port. This is far from perfect, but it's a) better
than nothing, and b) reasonably effective when used in conjunction with 
address authentication (tcp wrappers).

This raises another question: the ypserv code as hooks in it for
libwrap.a from the tcp wrapper package. Would it be possible to
include the tcp wrapper code with the next version of FreeBSD so
that ypserv can be secure right out of the box, or should it be
shipped insecure with a notice telling people how to add tcp wrapper
support later?

Anyway, here's yet another update.

Stuff I've done:

- Hammered on the db code in ypserv so that it properly emulates the
  behavior of the old GNU dbm routines. NOTE: the dbopen() man page
  is slightly incorrect!! The following code does not work:

  db = dbopen(dbname, O_RDWR|O_EXCL, PERM_SECURE, DB_HASH, &openinfo);
  (db->db_seq)(db, &key, &data, R_CURSOR); <-- returns EINVAL

  The R_CURSOR flag is *NOT* supported with using db->seq with the
  DB_HASH access method, but the man page leads one to believe it
  otherwise. (I would have *never* figured this out without the
  source to libc. :)

  This lead to some really silly workaround code. Bah.

- Hacked ypserv to support ypxfr.

- Hacked ypserv to refuse requests to access the master.passwd.* maps
  that do not originate from privileged ports.

- Hacked ypserv to properly background itself like a good little
  daemon should. Added syslog/fprintf functions: syslog when running
  as daemon, print to stderr when running in debug more (with -debug

- Converted yppasswdd to use the pw_util.c and pw_copy.c routines
  already in the FreeBSD source tree (/usr/src/usr.bin/passwd and 

- Successfully tested yppasswdd with yppasswd and ypserv.

- Cleaned up ypxfr and converted it to use the db functions.

- Successfully tested ypxfr with a SunOS NIS server.

- Converted yppush to use db functions.

- Moved everybody into appropriate places in the source tree and
  created BSD-style Makefiles. Here's the heirarchy I have
  so far:

  /usr/libexec/pwupdate (script used by yppasswdd)
  /var/yp/mknetid  (a shell script)

Stuff I haven't yet done:

- Hack libc/gen YP routines (_pw_breakout_yp() and probably others) to 
  support master.passwd.* maps in addition to existing /etc/passwd-style 

- Clean up a few compiler warnings in yppush.

- Properly test yppush. (How the hell do I do that with only one FreeBSD

- Test yppasswdd a bit more. (Still not sure I got the conversion
  exactly right, even though it seems to work.)

- Hack yppasswdd to allow the use of an alternate raw master.passwd file.
  (Thanks for reminding me. :)

- Clean up the Makefiles.

- Dump it all on Jordan's head.

Wait, I'm forgetting something... There's still something left for me
to do... Oh. Oh yeah: sleep.



-Bill Paul                             System Manager                 Center for Telecommunications Research
(212) 854-6020                         Columbia University, New York City
The Møøse Illuminati: ignore it and be confused, or join it and be confusing!

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