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Date:      Thu, 26 Dec 1996 20:18:53 -0800 (PST)
From:      John-Mark Gurney <>
To:        Jacob Suter <>
Cc:        freebsd-isp@FreeBSD.ORG, Allen Hyer <>
Subject:   Re: Multi port serial cards 
Message-ID:  <Pine.NEB.3.95.961226201229.313A-100000@hydrogen>
In-Reply-To: <>

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On Thu, 26 Dec 1996, Jacob Suter wrote:


> something breaks on a unix box you have problems (say sendmail goes nuts
> and eats the machine...  sendmail, pppd, and anything else running is dead

what??  running sendmail on a termserver??

> to the world).  When you throw together the total cost of a machine to do
> this job (AMD 5x86/133, 24 megs ram, 540 MB hard drive, Cyclades 32-Yep,
> case, video card, network card, etc) to handle 30 ports, it just doesn't

and just what do you need a video card and a hard drive for??  (ok I can
understand a 40meg ide... but a 540???) right now I'm running a termserver
that is netbooted and the whole system takes up a whole 7megs...  which I
plan on reducing soon by recompiling the binaries as one and static... 


> But, If I was just now getting into the business, I wouldn't fool with the
> analog modems anymore, get a PM-3, either lease or buy...  They're cheap,
> they support both ISDN and analog (if you use a PRI), and quite often the
> line charges are cheaper..

hmm...  sounds good... I'll have to check that out...    ttyl...

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