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Date:      Wed, 31 May 2000 23:01:57 -0700 (PDT)
From:      Todd Backman <>
To:        Cy Schubert - ITSD Open Systems Group <>
Cc:        Robert Gash <>, freebsd-security@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: Recommendations for alternative tripwire options 
Message-ID:  <>
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A PR for the addition of tripwire 1.3.1 would be great! 

(In the mean time would you mind sharing your port? ;^)

Thanks soo much...

- Todd

On Wed, 31 May 2000, Cy Schubert - ITSD Open Systems Group wrote:

> In message <>, 
> Robert
> Gash writes:
> > After reading the recent articles about the crack attempts on the
> > community LAN I am going to go ahead and deal with the hassle of
> > installing system file watching programs (like tripwire, etc.).  However,
> > as we are a commercial orginization, the new copies of tripwire are not
> > free for us, and I'd like to use something in the GPL (as GPL software
> > often works better than commercial products).  I've looked around and
> > found AIDE, which appears to be a tripwire replacement written under the
> > GNU GPL.  I have only found one mention of this on the freebsd-security
> > list in the geocrawler archives, so I'll ask.
> > 
> > Has anyone found any decent systems like tripwire available under the GNU
> > GPL?  I like to keep my systems pretty tight (nothing but trusted daemons
> > [FTP, Apache, openssh] running on the machines, and we don't allow any
> > users to log in, period.), but security from the inside can never hurt
> > (espically with a growing staff on the inside).  If you know of some
> > software like tripwire available under the GPL (or freely available to
> > commercial orginizations), I'd love to hear from you (and perhaps some
> > others on the list as well).  I've had no success in getting AIDE to
> > compile on my 3.4-S box over here, I'll include the compile errors below.
> I've managed to build, install, and test aide on FreeBSD and I happen 
> to like Tripwwire better.  You can get 1.3 or 1.3.1 from 
>  As they don't have a FreeBSD product I've been 
> told by a Tripwiresecurity salesman that FreeBSD users can use 1.3.1 
> without restriction.  Reading the copyright I don't see any 
> restriction.  I do have a locally developed port for 1.3.1.  If anyone 
> wants it I could submit a PR to have it replace Tripwire 1.2 or added 
> in addition to 1.2 to the ports collection.
> Tripwiresecurity is talking about releasing Tripwire 2.x to open 
> source, however you'd still have to purchase the Tripwire console.  
> They're not exactly sure when.
> On the other hand I did submit a PR with an aide 0.6 port.  I'm not 
> sure what happened to it, probably still in gnats somewhere.  It would 
> be trivial to update the port for 0.7.
> Regards,                       Phone:  (250)387-8437
> Cy Schubert                      Fax:  (250)387-5766
> Team Leader, Sun/DEC Team   Internet:
> Open Systems Group, ITSD, ISTA
> Province of BC

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