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Date:      Fri, 23 Mar 2001 13:15:45 -0800
From:      David Johnson <>
To:        "C. McArdle" <>
Cc:        freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: FreeBSD & GNU
Message-ID:  <>
References:  <v04003a13b6e1625f5a77@[]>

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> What is the connection / disconnection between GNU and BSD UNIX?

To my knowledge, there were only three projects (not counting spurs and
variants) to create free Unix-like operating systems from scratch, GNU,
BSD and Linux. Only BSD finished their task. GNU is almost done, but has
not finished the key component, the kernel. Linux took the easy route
and used components from both the GNU and BSD projects. GNU sees no need
to complete the integration of their system, since they say Linux is
really GNU in disguise. And the need to complete Linux disappeared once
the components from the other projects were integrated.

BSD tends to be "pure" in its approach to Unix. GNU seems to be obsessed
with adding extensions to Unix, though they try to keep compatibility
with the basic Unix command set. Linux does whatever strikes the
distributors' fancy.

The philosophies behind the three are the greatest differences. BSD just
wants to create a quality work. GNU wants to "free" people from the
evils of proprietary software. Linux wants to have fun hacking on code.

In actuality, all three projects have used pieces from the other two.
But beyond that, all three have used components for other non-OS
projects, like XFree86, Perl, Apache, etc.


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