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Date:      Thu, 2 Nov 2017 19:41:21 -0700
From:      Bryan Drewery <>
Cc:        FreeBSD Toolchain <>, freebsd-hackers <>, FreeBSD Current <>
Subject:   Re: Head build unsafe for /etc today
Message-ID:  <>
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> On Nov 2, 2017, at 19:23, Steve Kargl <> w=
>> On Thu, Nov 02, 2017 at 07:08:50PM -0700, Bryan Drewery wrote:
>>>> On Nov 2, 2017, at 18:49, Steve Kargl <
> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, Nov 02, 2017 at 06:25:24PM -0700, Bryan Drewery wrote:
>>>> On Nov 2, 2017, at 15:44, Mark Millard <> wrote:
>>>>>> Author: bdrewery
>>>>>> Date: Thu Nov  2 22:23:00 2017
>>>>>> New Revision: 325347
>>>>>> URL:=20
>>>>>> Log:
>>>>>> Something is very wrong
>>>> Unfortunately I only test with META_MODE these days which implies -DNO_=
>>> You're making changes to the build infrastructure and you're
>>> not properly testing it before committing?  This is beyond
>>> pointyhat material.=20
>> I ran 2 universes, dozens of buildworlds and buildkernels, dozens of inst=
allworld and installkernel, several xdev and native-xtools, several full DIR=
DEPS_BUILD builds and bootstraps, ran subdir builds, ran subdir cleans, test=
ed several targets together, ran various special case tests for submakes, pl=
ayed around with a ton of MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX cases, handled and tested symlink=
ed objdirs special, ran it through my work repro a few times, did special te=
sting in rescue/, and had a volunteer test release.  In the process  I found=
 a bmake bug, GPL_DTC build bug and several others I don=E2=80=99t recall fr=
om the bus.
>> What I missed was the =E2=80=9Cclean=E2=80=9D buildworld because I forgot=
 it even exists. I=E2=80=99ve wanted to remove it for a year. I also forgot t=
o test buildenv.
> If you did all the above under META_MODE, then no you did not=20
> buildworld and buildkernel and all the other stuff you claim.

Are you accusing me of lying?

> If your first step isn't  'cd /usr/obj ; rm -rf *' or equivalent
> in whatever jail you use, then you're not properly testing=20
> your changes to the build

I did that probably 100 times. And that isn=E2=80=99t even =E2=80=9Cthe prop=
er test=E2=80=9D. Both clean and incremental are needed which I did. zfs sna=
pshots help a lot there. I just never ran =E2=80=9C_cleanobj=E2=80=9D which d=
oes a full tree walk of clean. But I ran make clean in some subdirs many tim=

> infrastructure.  As you have demonstrated,
> Makefile, Makefile.inc1, and the *.mk files are sufficiently=20
> complicated that proper testing

> should be done, and proper=20
> testing means one doesn't takes shortcuts.

I took 0 shortcuts. As I said I *forgot* that case, among hundreds of cases.=

You=E2=80=99re welcome to do this work if you want. I guarantee you would no=
t have tested even half of what I tested.=20

Hey can you fix universe to only build clang once please? I=E2=80=99ve been w=
orking up to that but I think you=E2=80=99re best to do it.

> --=20
> Steve

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