Messages: 12, new messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:13:43 2023
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1. May 26 Lars Engels Re: How can I help with thinkpad x220 issues? 2. May 26 Mitsuru IWASAKI Re: [CFT] SMP/i386 suspend/resume 3. May 26 Pierre-Luc Drouin Re: How can I help with thinkpad x220 issues? 4. May 26 Kevin Oberman Re: How can I help with thinkpad x220 issues? 5. May 26 Garrett Cooper Re: [CFT] SMP/i386 suspend/resume 6. May 24 Lars Engels Re: How can I help with thinkpad x220 issues? 7. May 23 Kevin Oberman Re: How can I help with thinkpad x220 issues? 8. May 23 =?windows-1251?B?y/7h7uzo8 Re: How can I help with thinkpad x220 issues? 9. May 23 Ian Smith Re: How can I help with thinkpad x220 issues? 10. May 23 =?windows-1251?B?y/7h7uzo8 Re: How can I help with thinkpad x220 issues? 11. May 23 Natacha =?iso-8859-1?Q?Por How can I help with thinkpad x220 issues? 12. May 21 FreeBSD bugmaster Current problem reports assigned to freebsd-acpi@FreeBSD.org
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