Messages: 11, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:14:40 2023
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1. Apr 29 Warner Losh Re: Marvell Kirkwood - anyone? 2. Apr 30 Rebecca Cran 13-CURRENT on Gigabyte ThunderX system: "pci_host_generic_core_alloc_resource FAIL" and "bgx0: Could not find matching PHY" 3. Apr 30 Balanga Bar Re: Marvell Kirkwood - anyone? 4. Apr 30 Warner Losh Re: Marvell Kirkwood - anyone? 5. May 2 Peter Jeremy Ethernet autonegotiation problems on Rock64 6. May 3 Jonathon Fauser Li have a lg rebel 4 some one has remote acess. how do i STOP? PLEASE HELP (EXAMPLE) 7. May 3 Prasad M FreeBsd I2C utility gives same value as MSB and LSB from DS75 sensor 16bit register. 8. May 3 Jonathon Fauser Re: Li have a lg rebel 4 some one has remote acess. how do i STOP? PLEASE HELP (EXAMPLE) 9. May 3 Jonathon Fauser Re: Li have a lg rebel 4 some one has remote acess. how do i STOP? PLEASE HELP (EXAMPLE) 10. May 4 Per Hedeland Re: FreeBsd I2C utility gives same value as MSB and LSB from DS75 sensor 16bit register. 11. May 4 James Shuriff MMCCAM Stack Not Showing BSD Slice
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