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Messages: 76, new messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:22:19 2023

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  1. May 28 Mark Millard               Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [self hosted powerpc64 context]
  2. May 28 Mark Millard               Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [self hosted powerpc64 context]
  3. May 28 Matthias Apitz             Re: building packages with poudriere on amd64 for i686
  4. May 28 Matthew Seaman             Re: building packages with poudriere on amd64 for i686
  5. May 28 Matthias Apitz             building packages with poudriere on amd64 for i686
  6. May 28 Dimitry Andric             Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [self hosted powerpc64 context]
  7. May 28      FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
  8. May 28 Mark Millard               Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [self hosted powerpc64 context]
  9. May 28 Mark Millard               Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [self hosted powerpc64 context]
 10. May 27 Mark Millard               Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [self hosted powerpc64 context]
 11. May 27 Mark Millard               Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [self hosted powerpc64 context]
 12. May 27 Dimitry Andric             Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [self hosted powerpc64 context]
 13. May 27 Yuri                       Please commit devel/bazel
 14. May 27 Mikhail T.                 x11-toolkits/rep-gtk2 (Re: FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date)
 15. May 27 =?UTF-8?Q?Jo=C3=ABl_Dinel? FreeBSD Port: py27-limnoria-2016.02.24
 16. May 27      FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date
 17. May 26 Mark Millard               11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [self hosted powerpc64 context]
 18. May 26 Greg 'groggy' Lehey        Re: FreeBSD Port: digikam-4.14.0,2
 19. May 26 Matthias Andree            Re: bug 204175 ready to commit
 20. May 26 delipu                     FreeBSD Port: digikam-4.14.0,2

21. May 26 Matt Smith Re: pkg updating -d broken? 22. May 26 Alphons van Werven Re: pkg updating -d broken? 23. May 26 Matt Smith pkg updating -d broken? 24. May 26 Andrea Venturoli www/baikal need php56-openssl 25. May 26 =?UTF-8?B?SGlyb28gT25vICjl bug 204175 ready to commit 26. May 26 John Marino security/tor-devel and Maintainer Timeout 27. May 25 Mark Millard 11.0-CURRENT: lang/gcc, lang/gcc5, lang/gcc6-devel, lang/llvm38, etc. do not build on/for armv6 (now implicitly hard float) 28. May 25 Kurt Jaeger Re: security/tor-devel and Maintainer Timeout 29. May 25 Neel Chauhan security/tor-devel and Maintainer Timeout 30. May 25 Alphons van Werven Re: mail/ssmtp: mailer.conf instruction in handbook differs from pkg-message 31. May 25 Alphons van Werven Re: mail/ssmtp: mailer.conf instruction in handbook differs from pkg-message 32. May 25 Grzegorz Junka Re: mail/ssmtp: mailer.conf instruction in handbook differs from pkg-message 33. May 25 Marko =?UTF-8?B?Q3VwYcSH?= mail/ssmtp: mailer.conf instruction in handbook differs from pkg-message 34. May 25 FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 35. May 25 Kurt Jaeger Re: py-borgbackup does not install with portmaster: it does not detect the right python version 36. May 24 =?UTF-8?B?Sm9zw6kgR2FyY8Ot by-borgbackup does not install with portmaster: it does not detect the right python version 37. May 24 FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 38. May 24 Kurt Jaeger Re: Please commit sysutils/backuppc patch 39. May 24 Alexander Moisseev Please commit sysutils/backuppc patch 40. May 23 Dimitry Andric Re: remove libstdc++ dependency from libc++ on freebsd 9.x
41. May 23 Manfred Antar Re: setiathome version 8 for amd64 current 42. May 23 Torfinn Ingolfsen Re: setiathome version 8 for amd64 current 43. May 23 Yuri [NEW stage-qa check] proxydeps: checks for the missing package dependencies 44. May 23 Baptiste Daroussin Re: pkg updating crash in pkg-1.8.0 45. May 23 Kurt Jaeger Re: how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 46. May 23 Jan Beich Re: how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 47. May 23 Damien Fleuriot =?UTF-8?Q?Re=3A_=5BPATCH=5D_net=2Frelayd_=2D_configuration_sanity_checks?= =?UTF-8?Q?_=C3=A0_la_nginx?= 48. May 23 FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 49. May 23 kang joni remove libstdc++ dependency from libc++ on freebsd 9.x 50. May 23 andrew clarke pkg updating crash in pkg-1.8.0 51. May 23 Kurt Jaeger Re: how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 52. May 23 Ganbold Tsagaankhuu Re: new port for review: LDAP Authenticator plugin for MySQL 53. May 22 Jan Beich Re: how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 54. May 22 Kurt Jaeger Re: how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 55. May 22 =?UTF-8?Q?Fernando_Herrero Re: math/R maintenance 56. May 22 Jan Beich Re: how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 57. May 22 Diane Bruce cmake and rpath problems 58. May 22 Manfred Antar setiathome version 8 for amd64 current 59. May 22 Joe Nosay Re: 60. May 22 Baptiste Daroussin Re: myrepo.conf && url: file:....
61. May 22 Matthias Apitz Re: myrepo.conf && url: file:.... 62. May 22 Baptiste Daroussin Re: myrepo.conf && url: file:.... 63. May 22 Matthias Apitz Re: myrepo.conf && url: file:.... 64. May 22 Kurt Jaeger Re: myrepo.conf && url: file:.... 65. May 22 Matthias Apitz Re: myrepo.conf && url: file:.... 66. May 22 Klaus Kaisersberger RE: myrepo.conf && url: file:.... 67. May 22 Matthias Apitz myrepo.conf && url: file:.... 68. May 22 Kurt Jaeger Re: math/R maintenance 69. May 22 FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 70. May 22 =?UTF-8?Q?Fernando_Herrero Re: math/R maintenance 71. May 22 Kurt Jaeger Re: math/R maintenance 72. May 22 Kurt Jaeger Re: math/R maintenance 73. May 22 Kurt Jaeger Re: how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 74. May 22 Kurt Jaeger how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 75. May 22 =?UTF-8?Q?Fernando_Herrero math/R maintenance 76. May 22 KIRIYAMA Kazuhiko xemacs ports

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