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Messages: 16, sorted by subject
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:17:26 UTC 2023

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  1. May 25 Simon Lindgren             "dynamic router" woes
  2. May 25 Gary Jennejohn              Re: "dynamic router" woes
  3. May 27 Malte Lance                 RE: "dynamic router" woes
  4. May 29 Eivind Eklund              _Strange_ output from isdntrace
  5. May 29 Eivind Eklund               Re: _Strange_ output from isdntrace
  6. May 27 David Wetzel               DTMF-Tones?
  7. May 28 Harold Gutch               i4b not working
  8. May 28 Andreas Lohrum 6804         Re: i4b not working
  9. May 28 Harold Gutch                Re: i4b not working
 10. May 29 Harald Hanche-Olsen        idletime disconnect won't work
 11. May 25 Stefan Herrmann            local-phone-incoming
 12. May 29 Dirk Meyer                 manual hangup with i4b 0.51 (+rework Layer1)
 13. May 29 David Wetzel               Rates?
 14. May 29 Stephan André Schmidt      setting up ISDN under FreeBSD
 15. May 29 Stephan André Schmidt      setting up isdn-connection
 16. May 29 Dirk Meyer                 still problems with i4b 0.51 (+rework Layer1)

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