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Messages: 51, sorted by subject
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:24:18 UTC 2023

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  1. May 10 Stefan Lambrev             /usr/bin/ksu and missing suid bit
  2. May 10 David Wolfskill             Re: /usr/bin/ksu and missing suid bit
  3. May  5 Attilio Rao                [HEADS UP] lockmgr needing of sys/lockmgr.h on thirdy part codes
  4. May  8 Xin LI                     Re: amd64/123495: 7.0 AMD64 doesn't install on a Dell SC1435
  5. May  9 Randy Schultz               Re: amd64/123495: 7.0 AMD64 doesn't install on a Dell SC1435
  6. May  8 Karl Denninger             Best-performing disk I/O options for a DBMS server on 7-STABLE
  7. May  8 Claus Guttesen              Re: Best-performing disk I/O options for a DBMS server on 7-STABLE
  8. May  8 Andrew Snow                 Re: Best-performing disk I/O options for a DBMS server on 7-STABLE
  9. May  8 Pete French                 Re: Best-performing disk I/O options for a DBMS server on 7-STABLE
 10. May  8 Stefan Lambrev   
 11. May  8 Ollivier Robert             Re:
 12. May  8 Pete French                Re: Dreadful gmirror performance - suggested changes to 'prefer'
 13. May  8 Ivan Voras                  Re: Dreadful gmirror performance - suggested changes to 'prefer'
 14. May  8 Pete French                 Re: Dreadful gmirror performance - suggested changes to 'prefer'
 15. May  8 Ivan Voras                  Re: Dreadful gmirror performance - suggested changes to 'prefer'
 16. May  8 Pete French                 Re: Dreadful gmirror performance - suggested changes to 'prefer'
 17. May  8 Pete French                 Re: Dreadful gmirror performance - suggested changes to 'prefer'
 18. May  8 Andrew Snow                 Re: Dreadful gmirror performance - suggested changes to 'prefer'
 19. May  4        Re: em1: Unable to allocate bus resource: memory
 20. May  4 Jack Vogel                  Re: em1: Unable to allocate bus resource: memory

21. May 8 Paul Koch flock incorrectly detects deadlock on 7-stable and current 22. May 8 Doug Rabson Re: flock incorrectly detects deadlock on 7-stable and current 23. May 9 Paul Koch Re: flock incorrectly detects deadlock on 7-stable and current 24. May 9 Doug Rabson Re: flock incorrectly detects deadlock on 7-stable and current 25. May 4 Clifton Royston FreeBSD 6.2 kernel parameters (Was Re: reboot after panic) 26. May 7 Yani Karydis Kernel panic - em0 culprit? 27. May 10 Aristedes Maniatis Re: LOR on sleepqueue chain locks, Was: LOR sleepq/scrlock 28. May 6 Ilya Bakulin Re: MFC Candidate: convert ffs_softdep.c over to callout(9) 29. May 7 Marcin Cieslak Re: mpd5.1 and HUAWEI 3g card (ubsa) 30. May 8 Streetsoul New Arrivals: New brand - Analog Clothing 31. May 8 Mikhail Teterin panic dd-ing from a USB "disk" 32. May 7 Ruben de Groot Panics in kern_timeout.c (7-STABLE) 33. May 5 Ingeborg Hellemo PCI serial card works on 6.2 but not on 6.3 34. May 5 Jeremy Chadwick Re: PCI serial card works on 6.2 but not on 6.3 35. May 5 Ingeborg Hellemo Re: PCI serial card works on 6.2 but not on 6.3 36. May 5 Marcel Moolenaar Re: PCI serial card works on 6.2 but not on 6.3 37. May 6 Ingeborg Hellemo Re: PCI serial card works on 6.2 but not on 6.3 38. May 6 Boris Samorodov Re: PCI serial card works on 6.2 but not on 6.3 39. May 6 Marcel Moolenaar Re: PCI serial card works on 6.2 but not on 6.3 40. May 8 Ingeborg Hellemo Re: PCI serial card works on 6.2 but not on 6.3
41. May 5 Guy Helmer Puzzling VM behavior in 6.3 42. May 6 Scott Oertel Re: reboot after panic 43. May 6 Jeremy Chadwick Re: reboot after panic 44. May 6 Stephen Clark Re: reboot after panic 45. May 6 Jeremy Chadwick Re: reboot after panic 46. May 6 Stephen Clark Re: reboot after panic 47. May 6 Clifton Royston Re: reboot after panic 48. May 9 Jason C. Wells Release Schedule 7.1 49. May 9 Tom Evans Re: Release Schedule 7.1 50. May 6 Bob Friesenhahn static vs shared vs modules 51. May 8 Marcin Cieslak Toshiba PMCIA floppy fdc0: does not respond on pcmcia(4) with 7.0-STABLE

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