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Date:      Sat, 28 Oct 2023 10:48:04 +0200
From:      Daniel Engberg <>
Subject:   Re: We need to do something about build times
Message-ID:  <>

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Many interesting thoughts about current situation, here's my take =
it and I'm also trying to catch up.

Some ports do require quite a=
 lot of CPU time and memory to build, I
fully understand that not everyon=
e is using the latest hardware
available but there's little we can do abo=
ut upstream projects overall
since the ports tree is after all intended f=
or packaging not
maintaining. By that I mean there will likely be little =
to no action
taken if you report upstream that lets say Rust don't build =
12Gbyte of RAM. I do agree that if we can consolidate dependencies=

it's for the better in terms of build times, disk footprint (for
lled ports, might not be much of an issue these days) and
potential overl=
apping libraries/dependencies. What we need to accept
is that 4 cores and=
 16Gb RAM isn't a "powerhouse" that will build
whatever you throw at it, =
that's the reality. We can't adapt ports to
some arbitrary "hardware requ=
irement", that's not viable nor do we
have anywhere near the manpower to =
do so however if we can streamline
the build with little effort by all me=
ans, go for it.

What I have concerns about is adapting port options th=
at by default
potentially will harm performance and disk footprint in fav=
our of "it
builds faster". I would at least like to claim that we primari=
ly use
FreeBSD to run applications not to build ports. If we can combine =
that would be great but the former should be prioritized over latter=
If we can make packages smaller in size we should because it benefits=

"everyone" however if it is of a very little gain and adds a lot of
me to the build it should be evaluated. For example we do apply LTO
and a=
 few other optimizations to all Rust (Cargo based) ports because
it great=
ly reduces binary size and in some cases also increases
peformance while =
increasing total build by a bit. There are already
other distros looking =
into enabling LTO "treewide" so we're likely
going to head there too even=

Porters Handbook covers unbundling and is also a policy for se=
other distros. I think we do a pretty good about about it in genera=
however some projects makes it very hard or impossible to unbundle
avy dependencies, all we can do here is to discuss it with upstream.
e we could "maintain" our own set of patches it's for certain a
recipe fo=
r ports getting abandoned due to maintence burden sooner than
later. In s=
hort, please upstream and have a discussion with upstream
about such conc=

We already miss out in some cases quite significant performance=

enhancements with pre-built packages for ports that do not support
-time detection of hardware capatibilities so we probably need to
look at=
 difference target branches for each arch futher down the road
adding mor=
e overall load.

Some observations on my end,=20

Without carefully m=
easuring I do find that my Poduriere instances in
many cases spends quite=
 a bit of time not building but spending quite
a bit of time in configure=
 stage and struggle to scale over ~4-6 jobs.

What we can do per port l=
evel that improves build times and scaling in

If upstream =
uses GNU Autotools, use upstream release archives as they
usually contain=
s a configure script ready to run which means that you
can avoid USES=3D =
autoreconf which is slow and adds unncessary

If upstre=
am provides an alternative to GNU Autotools and/or gmake,
libtool such as=
 CMake or Meson it will likely run configure stage
faster and build quick=
er, sometimes by quite a bit especially if you
have a system with many "s=
low" cores (such as ARM but even x86 to some
degree).=C2=A0 On some ports=
 you can cut down build times ~40-50% because
of better scaling and proce=
ssing, avoiding USES=3D autoreconf and
friends. You likely wont see that =
much of a difference overall but
10-20% isn't impossible (slow systems su=
ch as RockPro64 tend to see
better improvements). There might be some qui=
rks switching build
framework that you might need to work out with upstre=
am but it's
usually worth the effort in the end. Not saying that it'll co=
for spending 8h build LLVM/Clang but if we can "convert" lets sa=
ports or more we will probably reduice the overall build time by qui=
a bit.=20

If dependencies are unbundled you can save I/O and proces=
sing time by
not extracting.


Best regards,

Daniel (diizz=

Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
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<div>Hi,<br></div><div ><div><br></div><div>Many interesting thoughts about=
 current situation, here's my take on it and I'm also trying to catch up.<b=
r></div><div><br></div><div>Some ports do require quite a lot of CPU time a=
nd memory to build, I fully understand that not everyone is using the lates=
t hardware available but there's little we can do about upstream projects o=
verall since the ports tree is after all intended for packaging not maintai=
ning. By that I mean there will likely be little to no action taken if you =
report upstream that lets say Rust don't build with 12Gbyte of RAM. I do ag=
ree that if we can consolidate dependencies it's for the better in terms of=
 build times, disk footprint (for installed ports, might not be much of an =
issue these days) and potential overlapping libraries/dependencies. What we=
 need to accept is that 4 cores and 16Gb RAM isn't a "powerhouse" that will=
 build whatever you throw at it, that's the reality. We can't adapt ports t=
o some arbitrary "hardware requirement", that's not viable nor do we have a=
nywhere near the manpower to do so however if we can streamline the build w=
ith little effort by all means, go for it.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Wha=
t I have concerns about is adapting port options that by default potentiall=
y will harm performance and disk footprint in favour of "it builds faster".=
 I would at least like to claim that we primarily use FreeBSD to run applic=
ations not to build ports. If we can combine both that would be great but t=
he former should be prioritized over latter. If we can make packages smalle=
r in size we should because it benefits "everyone" however if it is of a ve=
ry little gain and adds a lot of time to the build it should be evaluated. =
For example we do apply LTO and a few other optimizations to all Rust (Carg=
o based) ports because it greatly reduces binary size and in some cases als=
o increases peformance while increasing total build by a bit. There are alr=
eady other distros looking into enabling LTO "treewide" so we're likely goi=
ng to head there too eventually.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Porters Handb=
ook covers unbundling and is also a policy for several other distros. I thi=
nk we do a pretty good about about it in general however some projects make=
s it very hard or impossible to unbundle heavy dependencies, all we can do =
here is to discuss it with upstream. While we could "maintain" our own set =
of patches it's for certain a recipe for ports getting abandoned due to mai=
ntence burden sooner than later. In short, please upstream and have a discu=
ssion with upstream about such concerns.<br></div><div><br></div><div>We al=
ready miss out in some cases quite significant performance enhancements wit=
h pre-built packages for ports that do not support run-time detection of ha=
rdware capatibilities so we probably need to look at difference target bran=
ches for each arch futher down the road adding more overall load.<br></div>=
<div><br></div><div>Some observations on my end, <br></div><div><br></div><=
div>Without carefully measuring I do find that my Poduriere instances in ma=
ny cases spends quite a bit of time not building but spending quite a bit o=
f time in configure stage and struggle to scale over ~4-6 jobs.<br></div><d=
iv><br></div><div>What we can do per port level that improves build times a=
nd scaling in general: <br></div><div><br></div><div>If upstream uses GNU A=
utotools, use upstream release archives as they usually contains a configur=
e script ready to run which means that you can avoid USES=3D autoreconf whi=
ch is slow and adds unncessary dependencies.<br></div><div><br></div><div>I=
f upstream provides an alternative to GNU Autotools and/or gmake, libtool s=
uch as CMake or Meson it will likely run configure stage faster and build q=
uicker, sometimes by quite a bit especially if you have a system with many =
"slow" cores (such as ARM but even x86 to some degree).&nbsp; On some ports=
 you can cut down build times ~40-50% because of better scaling and process=
ing, avoiding USES=3D autoreconf and friends. You likely wont see that much=
 of a difference overall but 10-20% isn't impossible (slow systems such as =
RockPro64 tend to see better improvements). There might be some quirks swit=
ching build framework that you might need to work out with upstream but it'=
s usually worth the effort in the end. Not saying that it'll compensate for=
 spending 8h build LLVM/Clang but if we can "convert" lets say100 ports or =
more we will probably reduice the overall build time by quite a bit. <br></=
div><div><br></div><div>If dependencies are unbundled you can save I/O and =
processing time by not extracting.<br></div><div>Example: <a href=3D"https:=
/div><div>Best regards,<br></div><div>Daniel (diizzy@)<br></div></div>


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