Messages: 36, new messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:18:28 2023
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1. May 23 Barney Wolff Re: 3 NICs NAT setup, almost there ... 2. May 23 Paiva, Gilson de 3 NICs NAT setup, almost there ... 3. May 23 zel@free.fr FreeBSD firewall and irc problems 4. May 22 ddg VPN IPSEC WIRELESS 5. May 22 Julian Elischer RE: netgraph: why does ng_ether bother enqueuing packets? 6. May 22 Dave Dolson RE: netgraph: why does ng_ether bother enqueuing packets? 7. May 22 Eric Dahan RE: PCI ADSL card 8. May 21 Chuck Swiger Re: Bridge + arp messages... 9. May 21 Don Bowman RE: Kernel packet generator 10. May 21 Fabien THOMAS Kernel packet generator 11. May 21 Julian Elischer Re: netgraph: why does ng_ether bother enqueuing packets? 12. May 21 Vincent Jardin Re: netgraph: why does ng_ether bother enqueuing packets? 13. May 21 Dave Dolson netgraph: why does ng_ether bother enqueuing packets? 14. May 21 Jason Burgess RE: PCI ADSL card 15. May 21 Barney Wolff Re: Problems w/ default gw && PPP+cb 16. May 21 Naetius Problems w/ default gw && PPP+cb 17. May 21 Gregory P. Smith CFR: patch to ipfw2 iplen to match a range of lengths 18. May 21 Maxim Konovalov Re: Bridge + arp messages... 19. May 20 Brad du Plessis Packet mode in UserPPP 20. May 20 sn Dynamic Address Translation ...
21. May 20 Eugene Grosbein Re: lots of sockets in TIME_WAIT 22. May 20 Chuck Swiger Re: Bridge + arp messages... 23. May 20 gianz@security.dico.unimi. Re: [BPF Read and Write] Strange behaviour? 24. May 20 Giampaolo Fresi Roglia [BPF Read and Write] Strange behaviour? 25. May 20 Paiva, Gilson de Bridge + arp messages... 26. May 20 Petr Holub zero copy status 27. May 19 souris About IPsec ... 28. May 19 Paiva, Gilson de Annoying arp messages won't go away!! 29. May 18 Eric Dahan PCI ADSL card 30. May 18 Mike Tancsa Re: polling(4) and Gigabit 31. May 18 Tony Sarendal Re: polling(4) and Gigabit 32. May 18 Tony Sarendal Re: polling(4) and Gigabit 33. May 18 Luigi Rizzo Re: polling(4) and Gigabit 34. May 18 Mike Tancsa Re: polling(4) and Gigabit 35. May 18 rado fbsd briding && routing 36. May 18 Tony Sarendal polling(4) and Gigabit
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