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Messages: 39, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:26:00 2023

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  1. May  5 Joshua Isom                Re: Note: AR93xx support is now in -HEAD
  2. May  6 FreeBSD bugmaster          Current problem reports assigned to
  3. May  7        Re: kern/178378: [net80211] crypto state isn't reset during a reassociation
  4. May  7        Re: kern/178379: [net80211] [ath] WPA rekey on the STA side fails when transmitting lots of UDP traffic
  5. May  8 Adrian Chadd               Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic
  6. May  8 Adrian Chadd               TX hang and EAPOL stuff fixed in HEAD; please test!
  7. May  8 Lev Serebryakov            Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic
  8. May  8 Adrian Chadd               Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic
  9. May  8 Lev Serebryakov            Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic
 10. May  8 Adrian Chadd               Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic
 11. May  8        Re: kern/178411: [ral] [panic] FreeBSD kernel crash in rt2860
 12. May  9 Joshua Isom                Re: TX hang and EAPOL stuff fixed in HEAD; please test!
 13. May  9 Adrian Chadd               Re: TX hang and EAPOL stuff fixed in HEAD; please test!
 14. May  9 Adrian Chadd               Re: TX hang and EAPOL stuff fixed in HEAD; please test!
 15. May  9 Joshua Isom                Re: TX hang and EAPOL stuff fixed in HEAD; please test!
 16. May  9 Raphael Kubo da Costa      Re: TX hang and EAPOL stuff fixed in HEAD; please test!
 17. May  9 Adrian Chadd               Re: TX hang and EAPOL stuff fixed in HEAD; please test!
 18. May  9 Raphael Kubo da Costa      Re: TX hang and EAPOL stuff fixed in HEAD; please test!
 19. May  9 Lev Serebryakov            Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic
 20. May  9 Adrian Chadd               Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic

21. May 9 Lev Serebryakov Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic 22. May 9 Adrian Chadd Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic 23. May 9 Adrian Chadd Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic 24. May 9 Lev Serebryakov Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic 25. May 9 Adrian Chadd Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic 26. May 9 Lev Serebryakov Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic 27. May 9 Lev Serebryakov Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic 28. May 9 Lev Serebryakov Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic 29. May 9 Adrian Chadd Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic 30. May 9 Adrian Chadd Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic 31. May 9 Lev Serebryakov Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic 32. May 9 Lev Serebryakov Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic 33. May 9 Adrian Chadd Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic 34. May 9 Adrian Chadd Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic 35. May 10 Re: kern/178470: [panic][ath] bss vap can and does change 36. May 10 dfilter service Re: kern/178470: commit references a PR 37. May 10 Maciej Milewski Re: New hardware, old problem: stuck beacon when here is WiFi traffic 38. May 10 Re: kern/178477: [ath] missed beacon / soft reset in STA mode results in hardware error and DMA engine lockup 39. May 11 Adrian Chadd Re: svn commit: r250528 - head/usr.sbin/wpa/wpa_supplicant

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