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Messages: 76, sorted by subject
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:22:19 UTC 2023

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  1. May 26 Mark Millard               11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [self
  2. May 27 Dimitry Andric              Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [
  3. May 27 Mark Millard                Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [
  4. May 27 Mark Millard                Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [
  5. May 28 Mark Millard                Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [
  6. May 28 Mark Millard                Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [
  7. May 28 Dimitry Andric              Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [
  8. May 28 Mark Millard                Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [
  9. May 28 Mark Millard                Re: 11.0-CURRENT -r300770 libc++ update vs. lang/powerpc64-xtoolchain-gcc: no go [
 10. May 25 Mark Millard               11.0-CURRENT: lang/gcc, lang/gcc5, lang/gcc6-devel, lang/llvm38, etc. do not build
 11. May 23 Damien Fleuriot            =?UTF-8?Q?Re=3A_=5BPATCH=5D_net=2Frelayd_=2D_configuration_sanity_checks?= =?UTF-8
 12. May 23 Yuri                       [NEW stage-qa check] proxydeps: checks for the missing package dependencies
 13. May 26 =?UTF-8?B?SGlyb28gT25vICjl bug 204175 ready to commit
 14. May 26 Matthias Andree             Re: bug 204175 ready to commit
 15. May 28 Matthias Apitz             building packages with poudriere on amd64 for i686
 16. May 28 Matthew Seaman              Re: building packages with poudriere on amd64 for i686
 17. May 28 Matthias Apitz              Re: building packages with poudriere on amd64 for i686
 18. May 24 =?UTF-8?B?Sm9zw6kgR2FyY8Ot by-borgbackup does not install with portmaster: it does not detect the right pytho
 19. May 22 Diane Bruce                cmake and rpath problems
 20. May 26 delipu                     FreeBSD Port: digikam-4.14.0,2

21. May 26 Greg 'groggy' Lehey Re: FreeBSD Port: digikam-4.14.0,2 22. May 27 =?UTF-8?Q?Jo=C3=ABl_Dinel? FreeBSD Port: py27-limnoria-2016.02.24 23. May 22 FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 24. May 23 FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 25. May 24 FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 26. May 25 FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 27. May 27 FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 28. May 28 FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 29. May 22 Kurt Jaeger how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 30. May 22 Kurt Jaeger Re: how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 31. May 22 Jan Beich Re: how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 32. May 22 Kurt Jaeger Re: how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 33. May 22 Jan Beich Re: how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 34. May 23 Kurt Jaeger Re: how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 35. May 23 Jan Beich Re: how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 36. May 23 Kurt Jaeger Re: how to create a powerpc64 poudriere jail ? 37. May 25 Marko =?UTF-8?B?Q3VwYcSH?= mail/ssmtp: mailer.conf instruction in handbook differs from pkg-message 38. May 25 Grzegorz Junka Re: mail/ssmtp: mailer.conf instruction in handbook differs from pkg-message 39. May 25 Alphons van Werven Re: mail/ssmtp: mailer.conf instruction in handbook differs from pkg-message 40. May 25 Alphons van Werven Re: mail/ssmtp: mailer.conf instruction in handbook differs from pkg-message
41. May 22 =?UTF-8?Q?Fernando_Herrero math/R maintenance 42. May 22 Kurt Jaeger Re: math/R maintenance 43. May 22 Kurt Jaeger Re: math/R maintenance 44. May 22 =?UTF-8?Q?Fernando_Herrero Re: math/R maintenance 45. May 22 Kurt Jaeger Re: math/R maintenance 46. May 22 =?UTF-8?Q?Fernando_Herrero Re: math/R maintenance 47. May 22 Matthias Apitz myrepo.conf && url: file:.... 48. May 22 Klaus Kaisersberger RE: myrepo.conf && url: file:.... 49. May 22 Matthias Apitz Re: myrepo.conf && url: file:.... 50. May 22 Kurt Jaeger Re: myrepo.conf && url: file:.... 51. May 22 Matthias Apitz Re: myrepo.conf && url: file:.... 52. May 22 Baptiste Daroussin Re: myrepo.conf && url: file:.... 53. May 22 Matthias Apitz Re: myrepo.conf && url: file:.... 54. May 22 Baptiste Daroussin Re: myrepo.conf && url: file:.... 55. May 23 Ganbold Tsagaankhuu Re: new port for review: LDAP Authenticator plugin for MySQL 56. May 26 Matt Smith pkg updating -d broken? 57. May 26 Alphons van Werven Re: pkg updating -d broken? 58. May 26 Matt Smith Re: pkg updating -d broken? 59. May 23 andrew clarke pkg updating crash in pkg-1.8.0 60. May 23 Baptiste Daroussin Re: pkg updating crash in pkg-1.8.0
61. May 27 Yuri Please commit devel/bazel 62. May 24 Alexander Moisseev Please commit sysutils/backuppc patch 63. May 24 Kurt Jaeger Re: Please commit sysutils/backuppc patch 64. May 25 Kurt Jaeger Re: py-borgbackup does not install with portmaster: it does not detect the right p 65. May 22 Joe Nosay Re: 66. May 23 kang joni remove libstdc++ dependency from libc++ on freebsd 9.x 67. May 23 Dimitry Andric Re: remove libstdc++ dependency from libc++ on freebsd 9.x 68. May 25 Neel Chauhan security/tor-devel and Maintainer Timeout 69. May 25 Kurt Jaeger Re: security/tor-devel and Maintainer Timeout 70. May 26 John Marino security/tor-devel and Maintainer Timeout 71. May 22 Manfred Antar setiathome version 8 for amd64 current 72. May 23 Torfinn Ingolfsen Re: setiathome version 8 for amd64 current 73. May 23 Manfred Antar Re: setiathome version 8 for amd64 current 74. May 26 Andrea Venturoli www/baikal need php56-openssl 75. May 27 Mikhail T. x11-toolkits/rep-gtk2 (Re: FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date) 76. May 22 KIRIYAMA Kazuhiko xemacs ports

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